Being left alone with a broken heart is the saddest feeling anyone can experience. No one enjoys the pain that seems to accompany a bread up. The more you cared for and loved the other person, the more a break up tends to hurt. Unfortunately, there is no simple solution or remedy for a broken heart. Does this mean you are destined to feel agony and hurt for the rest of your life? No, of course not. You will not be doomed to feel isolated, depressed, and not want to go anywhere or do anything. There are some steps that can help you get over your broken heart.
IThe following are some of the steps which you should take to easily deal with all the pains and hurts that you are feeling deep within your heart. While they're certainly not an instant remedy for a broke heart, if you keep them in mind and with the passage of some time, you should be able to feel better.
1.Control Your Emotions
It is just pretty normal that your emotions after the break up are so intense that you lose control of yourself. There are actually times when you curse the person whom you loved, especially if they were responsible for the break up. Thus, you have to learn how to control your emotions so that you can be sure that you can easily recover from the break up.
It is to be expected that your emotions go on a roller coast ride for a while. There is nothing wrong with feeling sad, angry, depressed, etc...The problem comes when you let those emotions take control of your life. If you need to feel sad or cry, then do it; however, force yourself to stop after a few minutes. If you can take control of your emotions, you will be able to get over the break up, easier and faster.
2.Learn To Accept
Try to take an “Everything happens for a reason” attitude. You just have to accept the ending of your relationship with your significant other. Besides, God, fate, destiny, whichever you believe in; probably has a better plan for your love life that you don't even know about. It may be hard to believe this now, but if this wasn't your first relationship, then you know that you can find happiness again, because you've already done it at least once. If you don't learn to accept that it is over, you will only keep re-opening the emotional wounds.
3.Let Go and Move On
Letting go and moving on goes hand in hand. Hence, once you are certain that you have let go of the romantic bond with your significant other, you can move on and start your new better life. After all, breaking up with your significant other is not the end of your world.
Indeed, you can still get rid of the feeling of sadness after the break up even if there is no remedy for a broken heart. You simply have to put into action the aforementioned steps so that you can recover and start a new life. It may take some time, but don't let it ruin your life. Take the good from the relationship, learn from the bad, and move on.
Articles and Advice on Getting Back Together. In particular we examine and promote The Ex Back System.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Without Losing Your Self Respect
Trying to figure out how to get your ex boyfriend back without becoming “that crazy chick?” Don’t worry, it can be done, but you need to be careful about whose advice you follow. The problem is a lot of women collect every trick in the book and then use them all at once. Can you say, “bunny boiler?”
To help you keep your guy and your self respect in the process, here are some no-stress, no-drama tips on how to get your ex boyfriend back.
Take some time out
Whatever you do, don’t act on the emotions you have right after the breakup. Maybe you feel like showing up at his house with a batch of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and pouring your heart out about everything you did wrong. Once you’ve had a few days to gain some perspective, though, you’ll see why that’s a bad idea.
Don’t even so much as IM your ex until you at least feel like you can live without him. When you talk to your guy again, you need to come across as fun and attractive—or at least emotionally stable—or you risk scaring him for good. Think over why you broke up. Let’s face it, when we get used to a guy, we can all become a little demanding, nagging, and overly emotional. Take a long hard look at how you’ve changed since you first met each other and take steps to show your ex you won’t be like that again.
This is another reason most tips on how to get your ex boyfriend back will tell you to rein in your emotions and be more like the fun, confident woman you were when he first met you.
Stay attractive!
You may not know this exactly, but if you have some idea of what it was about you your guy found attractive, play up that trait a little (assuming you enjoy it, too). Maybe you loved to go hiking together or he admired your passion for politics. Whatever it was, get involved with it again and make sure your mutual friends know.
One thing you don’t want to do, though, is start dating again. Your ex might presume you’re no longer interested in him and not even try to make contact even if he does start missing you.
Get good advice!
As you’ve probably noticed, just about everyone has an opinion to give you on how to get your ex boyfriend back. While some of your friends might come up with pretty practical advice, you never know which tip might backfire on you. To keep things simple, look for proven advice from those experienced in mending relationships, such as marriage counselors.
The main thing to keep in mind when you’re trying to decide how to get your ex boyfriend back is to stay calm and not grab at every piece of advice you come across. As long as your ex sees that you really are still the person he used to love; following a proven plan from a professional relationship counselor can bring your guy back faster than you might think.
For a proven plan on getting you ex back- Click Here!
To help you keep your guy and your self respect in the process, here are some no-stress, no-drama tips on how to get your ex boyfriend back.
Take some time out
Whatever you do, don’t act on the emotions you have right after the breakup. Maybe you feel like showing up at his house with a batch of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and pouring your heart out about everything you did wrong. Once you’ve had a few days to gain some perspective, though, you’ll see why that’s a bad idea.
Don’t even so much as IM your ex until you at least feel like you can live without him. When you talk to your guy again, you need to come across as fun and attractive—or at least emotionally stable—or you risk scaring him for good. Think over why you broke up. Let’s face it, when we get used to a guy, we can all become a little demanding, nagging, and overly emotional. Take a long hard look at how you’ve changed since you first met each other and take steps to show your ex you won’t be like that again.
This is another reason most tips on how to get your ex boyfriend back will tell you to rein in your emotions and be more like the fun, confident woman you were when he first met you.
Stay attractive!
You may not know this exactly, but if you have some idea of what it was about you your guy found attractive, play up that trait a little (assuming you enjoy it, too). Maybe you loved to go hiking together or he admired your passion for politics. Whatever it was, get involved with it again and make sure your mutual friends know.
One thing you don’t want to do, though, is start dating again. Your ex might presume you’re no longer interested in him and not even try to make contact even if he does start missing you.
Get good advice!
As you’ve probably noticed, just about everyone has an opinion to give you on how to get your ex boyfriend back. While some of your friends might come up with pretty practical advice, you never know which tip might backfire on you. To keep things simple, look for proven advice from those experienced in mending relationships, such as marriage counselors.
The main thing to keep in mind when you’re trying to decide how to get your ex boyfriend back is to stay calm and not grab at every piece of advice you come across. As long as your ex sees that you really are still the person he used to love; following a proven plan from a professional relationship counselor can bring your guy back faster than you might think.
For a proven plan on getting you ex back- Click Here!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
How To Win An Ex Boyfriend Back With Class
Ever had a friend whose best idea for how to win an ex boyfriend back was to show up at his house with a casserole and a list of apologies? Remember how embarrassed you were for her? So, now you’re in the same position and know exactly how she felt, but just because you can sympathize with her doesn’t mean you have to act like her. If you’re hoping to get your guy back without losing your self-respect, here’s what you can do
Learn how men think!
The main reason so many of us are willing to do over-the-top things when trying to figure out how to win an ex boyfriend back is because those things work on us. Think about it: gifts, lover letters, persistent phone calls—even if those tactics are annoying, when they come from a man you once loved, they do get to you, don’t they?
Men, on the other hand, just don’t work that way. It may sound harsh, but your guy isn’t going to shed tears of remorse over your heart-felt love letter. In order to avoid doing something that’s going to make you look like some crazy stalker chick, spend some time learning how to communicate in a calm, logical style your guy can relate to.
Accentuate the positive!
Like our friend in the introduction, some women go out of their way to prove to their ex that they can live without him. They start wearing flashy clothes or going to nightclubs even if they don’t feel comfortable doing it. Unfortunately, this trick is pretty easy for a guy to see through. After all, if you weren’t doing those things before you met him, the only reason you’d be doing them after the break up…is him. That doesn’t exactly make you look independent, now does it? Instead of trying to transform yourself into someone else, become a better version of the person you were before you met your ex.
Find things to do together!
You didn’t spend all your time making out, did you? (And if you did, that explains the relationship troubles.) You spent time together on hobbies and activities that you both enjoyed. If you’re looking for a way to see your ex again, this is your in. Say you both belonged to a bird watching club. You could join a different bird watching club and invite him to the first big event they have.
Be honest!
One of the best tips around for how to win an ex boyfriend back is to simply be mature and reasonable. Whining and blaming your ex for everything that went wrong is definitely not classy. Instead, be the better woman and accept your fair share of the blame—no more, no less.
This means you have to take a close look at anything you might have done to make him want to get away from you. Were you getting a little demanding because you’d started taking him for granted? Were you overly emotional because you felt him starting to drift away and panicked? If so, accept responsibility for your behavior and try to explain what caused it.
Follow these steps for how to win an ex boyfriend back and even if your guy chooses not to return, at least you’ll keep your self respect. Of courses, if you want a truly effective method for how to win an ex boyfriend back, skip the free tips online and look for advice from a successful relationship counselor.
For a truly profession system to winning your ex back- Click Here!
Learn how men think!
The main reason so many of us are willing to do over-the-top things when trying to figure out how to win an ex boyfriend back is because those things work on us. Think about it: gifts, lover letters, persistent phone calls—even if those tactics are annoying, when they come from a man you once loved, they do get to you, don’t they?
Men, on the other hand, just don’t work that way. It may sound harsh, but your guy isn’t going to shed tears of remorse over your heart-felt love letter. In order to avoid doing something that’s going to make you look like some crazy stalker chick, spend some time learning how to communicate in a calm, logical style your guy can relate to.
Accentuate the positive!
Like our friend in the introduction, some women go out of their way to prove to their ex that they can live without him. They start wearing flashy clothes or going to nightclubs even if they don’t feel comfortable doing it. Unfortunately, this trick is pretty easy for a guy to see through. After all, if you weren’t doing those things before you met him, the only reason you’d be doing them after the break up…is him. That doesn’t exactly make you look independent, now does it? Instead of trying to transform yourself into someone else, become a better version of the person you were before you met your ex.
Find things to do together!
You didn’t spend all your time making out, did you? (And if you did, that explains the relationship troubles.) You spent time together on hobbies and activities that you both enjoyed. If you’re looking for a way to see your ex again, this is your in. Say you both belonged to a bird watching club. You could join a different bird watching club and invite him to the first big event they have.
Be honest!
One of the best tips around for how to win an ex boyfriend back is to simply be mature and reasonable. Whining and blaming your ex for everything that went wrong is definitely not classy. Instead, be the better woman and accept your fair share of the blame—no more, no less.
This means you have to take a close look at anything you might have done to make him want to get away from you. Were you getting a little demanding because you’d started taking him for granted? Were you overly emotional because you felt him starting to drift away and panicked? If so, accept responsibility for your behavior and try to explain what caused it.
Follow these steps for how to win an ex boyfriend back and even if your guy chooses not to return, at least you’ll keep your self respect. Of courses, if you want a truly effective method for how to win an ex boyfriend back, skip the free tips online and look for advice from a successful relationship counselor.
For a truly profession system to winning your ex back- Click Here!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Love Advice Relationship Problems Dont Have To Be Hard To Solve
It’s one of the main topics of love advice: relationship problems. In fact, with all the tips and hints out there, you’d think solving problems in a relationship requires scientific formula you need a PhD to understand.
The reality is, though, when you catch problems early and use plenty of patience and fairness, there are only a few steps you need to take to get things straightened out.
Identify the cause
Sometimes the cause of trouble in a relationship is obvious. It might be problems with money, the kids, or a certain habit one of you has that really irks the other. A lot of the time, though, there’s just a niggling sense that something isn’t right. Maybe there’s less romance, less physical affection, and a feeling of growing apart. In cases like this, you’ll need to look a little deeper to figure out what the root of your problem really is. Knowing this will make it a lot easier to use love advice: relationship problems don’t all have the same cause.
Pick your battles
Give some serious thought to whether the problem is really worth bringing up. You may decide the fact that your partner routinely leaves wet towels on the floor or even occasionally pays a bill a day or two late isn’t something you want to rock the boat over. On the other hand, if something your partner does leaves you feeling hurt or rejected or is causing serious financial or social problems, it’s a good idea to bring the issue up. That way you won’t give resentment a chance to grow.
Time it right
If you’ve decided you really do need to talk about an issue, pick a good time (or at least not a really bad time). Just remember, when one of you is stressed out or tired is not a good time to start a discussion about a serious problem.
Don’t ambush your partner, either. Pouncing on them with a heavy issue just gives the conversation a confrontational edge from the outset. Instead of the old “We need to talk,” try something less confrontational like “Honey, do you have a couple minutes to talk about something?”
Be gentle
Winning is not be the goal here. The goal is improving—or in some cases, saving—the relationship. If one of you is impatient, harshly critical, insulting you both lose.
Of course, that doesn’t mean you need to talk to your partner like they’re a three-year-old. Just talk to them with the same level of respect you would
Although it may sound like “softy” love advice, relationship problems don’t generally improve when one partner is aggressive.
Accept your share of the blame
Over all, it’s better to focus on solving the problem rather than riding the “Who started it” merry-go-round. That said, you still need to accept that something about your own behavior may need to change, too. Listen to your partner’s side of the story with an open mind and be willing to negotiate fairly. Of course, you still need to keep your personal boundaries as far as not accepting physical or emotional abuse.
Although the steps above should help you work out most common problems, keep reading up on how to resolve conflict in your relationship so you’ll know how to handle any serious issues that may come along. When it comes to love advice, relationship problems are one of the hottest topics, so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding some good tips.
The reality is, though, when you catch problems early and use plenty of patience and fairness, there are only a few steps you need to take to get things straightened out.
Identify the cause
Sometimes the cause of trouble in a relationship is obvious. It might be problems with money, the kids, or a certain habit one of you has that really irks the other. A lot of the time, though, there’s just a niggling sense that something isn’t right. Maybe there’s less romance, less physical affection, and a feeling of growing apart. In cases like this, you’ll need to look a little deeper to figure out what the root of your problem really is. Knowing this will make it a lot easier to use love advice: relationship problems don’t all have the same cause.
Pick your battles
Give some serious thought to whether the problem is really worth bringing up. You may decide the fact that your partner routinely leaves wet towels on the floor or even occasionally pays a bill a day or two late isn’t something you want to rock the boat over. On the other hand, if something your partner does leaves you feeling hurt or rejected or is causing serious financial or social problems, it’s a good idea to bring the issue up. That way you won’t give resentment a chance to grow.
Time it right
If you’ve decided you really do need to talk about an issue, pick a good time (or at least not a really bad time). Just remember, when one of you is stressed out or tired is not a good time to start a discussion about a serious problem.
Don’t ambush your partner, either. Pouncing on them with a heavy issue just gives the conversation a confrontational edge from the outset. Instead of the old “We need to talk,” try something less confrontational like “Honey, do you have a couple minutes to talk about something?”
Be gentle
Winning is not be the goal here. The goal is improving—or in some cases, saving—the relationship. If one of you is impatient, harshly critical, insulting you both lose.
Of course, that doesn’t mean you need to talk to your partner like they’re a three-year-old. Just talk to them with the same level of respect you would
Although it may sound like “softy” love advice, relationship problems don’t generally improve when one partner is aggressive.
Accept your share of the blame
Over all, it’s better to focus on solving the problem rather than riding the “Who started it” merry-go-round. That said, you still need to accept that something about your own behavior may need to change, too. Listen to your partner’s side of the story with an open mind and be willing to negotiate fairly. Of course, you still need to keep your personal boundaries as far as not accepting physical or emotional abuse.
Although the steps above should help you work out most common problems, keep reading up on how to resolve conflict in your relationship so you’ll know how to handle any serious issues that may come along. When it comes to love advice, relationship problems are one of the hottest topics, so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding some good tips.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
How To Overcome Communication Problems In Relationships
Communication problems in relationships are so common that no matter how great you and your sweetie get along, you’re bound to run into some miscommunication somewhere along the line. The good news is, with the right approach, these problems usually aren’t too hard to solve.
Bridge the gender divide!
Men and women approach relationships in distinctly different ways. Without and open mind, it’s all too easy to write the opposite gender off as “illogical” or even start thinking of their differences as childish or petty. The fact is neither gender is perfectly logical. Taking some time to learn about exactly how the opposite gender looks at love matters can help you avoid a lot of problems in relationships.
Listen thoughtfully!
Don’t forget that you’re one half of the communication problem. When you’ve been together for a while, you might start to think you know what your partner is going to say. Unless you have ESP, though, you’ll get a lot farther by actually hearing your partner out. When sweetie tells you something, restate what they said to make sure you understood correctly and let them know you heard.
Release the need for blame!
When one of you has a problem, the relationship has a problem and it’s in both your best interests to work it out peacefully.
Instead of going around in circles trying to decide whose fault it is, focus on how you’re going to solve it. Likewise, try to avoid blaming your partner for your overall mood. Specific issues like “When you flirt with other people, I feel rejected.” are fine, but sweeping statements like “You make me miserable.” or “You stress me out.” are taking it too far.
Stick to the facts!
When trying to talk over problems in relationships, don’t bring up any thing you can’t prove. Instead, stay with what can’t be argued like your own feelings and what your partner already agrees they do. For example, saying “You disrespected me in front of my friends.” can be argued because standards of respect differ. On the other hand, saying “I was embarrassed when you told Dave you don’t think I should ask for a raise.” is not only unarguable, but also gets your point across more clearly.
Be frank, but kind!
You’re not doing anyone any favors by taking a “put up and shut up” attitude to problems in relationships. All you end up doing is allowing wounds to fester and they can eventually reach the point where they’ll never heal at all. Instead, speak your mind when you have a problem, but do so with gentleness, kindness, and respect. Remember, your partner probably isn’t trying to hurt or annoy you and may be pretty upset to hear you’re unhappy.
Be a friend, not a coach!
Chances are, your partner isn’t with you because they’re hoping you can correct all their bad habits and personality flaws. You’re not their parent, teacher, coach, or boss. You’re their friend and lover.
You may think you’re giving constructive criticism, but your partner might think your love or respect for them has diminished because of this one little flaw they have. Instead of criticizing, encourage improvement by giving your partner some positive feedback when they do something you really like.
There, that doesn’t sound too hard, does it? These techniques may be simple, but the really do work to solve communication problems in relationships. Give them a try.
Bridge the gender divide!
Men and women approach relationships in distinctly different ways. Without and open mind, it’s all too easy to write the opposite gender off as “illogical” or even start thinking of their differences as childish or petty. The fact is neither gender is perfectly logical. Taking some time to learn about exactly how the opposite gender looks at love matters can help you avoid a lot of problems in relationships.
Listen thoughtfully!
Don’t forget that you’re one half of the communication problem. When you’ve been together for a while, you might start to think you know what your partner is going to say. Unless you have ESP, though, you’ll get a lot farther by actually hearing your partner out. When sweetie tells you something, restate what they said to make sure you understood correctly and let them know you heard.
Release the need for blame!
When one of you has a problem, the relationship has a problem and it’s in both your best interests to work it out peacefully.
Instead of going around in circles trying to decide whose fault it is, focus on how you’re going to solve it. Likewise, try to avoid blaming your partner for your overall mood. Specific issues like “When you flirt with other people, I feel rejected.” are fine, but sweeping statements like “You make me miserable.” or “You stress me out.” are taking it too far.
Stick to the facts!
When trying to talk over problems in relationships, don’t bring up any thing you can’t prove. Instead, stay with what can’t be argued like your own feelings and what your partner already agrees they do. For example, saying “You disrespected me in front of my friends.” can be argued because standards of respect differ. On the other hand, saying “I was embarrassed when you told Dave you don’t think I should ask for a raise.” is not only unarguable, but also gets your point across more clearly.
Be frank, but kind!
You’re not doing anyone any favors by taking a “put up and shut up” attitude to problems in relationships. All you end up doing is allowing wounds to fester and they can eventually reach the point where they’ll never heal at all. Instead, speak your mind when you have a problem, but do so with gentleness, kindness, and respect. Remember, your partner probably isn’t trying to hurt or annoy you and may be pretty upset to hear you’re unhappy.
Be a friend, not a coach!
Chances are, your partner isn’t with you because they’re hoping you can correct all their bad habits and personality flaws. You’re not their parent, teacher, coach, or boss. You’re their friend and lover.
You may think you’re giving constructive criticism, but your partner might think your love or respect for them has diminished because of this one little flaw they have. Instead of criticizing, encourage improvement by giving your partner some positive feedback when they do something you really like.
There, that doesn’t sound too hard, does it? These techniques may be simple, but the really do work to solve communication problems in relationships. Give them a try.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Learning How to Deal with a Breakup Can Build Character
It is really hard to let go of a relationship that you thought was perfect. Unfortunately, there are a good number of people who can’t let go of their relationship. If this describes you,and you are looking for information on how to deal with a breakup; then read on.
Counselors and love experts have encountered numerous cases of breakups and they have been giving ideas on how to deal with a breakup for many years. While at first, it may seem difficult to apply some of these tips, it's important that you do so. If you don't learn how to deal with a breakup properly, it can cause you a lot of unnecessary suffering and misery.
Learning how to deal with a breakup can be easy., when you have good advice, and you put in some effort and put the advice to use.
The circumstances of your breakup is still fresh in your mind. The seemingly never ending “WHY?” questions keep your mind occupied almost the entire time you're awake. They may even find their way into your dreams while you sleep. Most of the time, we tend to blame ourselves after a breakup. While, there may be some things you're at fault for in the relationship, it's important that you not beat yourself up entirely about it.
It's important that you not focus entirely on what you did wrong. No one is perfect. You need to think about things the other person did that drove you crazy. What were some of their faults? Did they always falsely accuse you of something? Did they constantly bring up something during an argument that really had nothing to do with the current situation? After a breakup, it's easy to lose sight of the other person's faults. Don't let this happen. It's not uncommon after a breakup to only reflect upon the good memories. You need to remind yourself of the troubles your relationship had too.
This little bit of truth, may really hurt, but someone had to say it: the “but I loveand I want back. (*sob)” line is not helpful. Alright you love them; but they broke up with you. Obviously, they don't love you anymore. Most of the time, when someone breaks up with someone else, that's the most common reason given. “I just don't love you anymore.” or some variation of this phrase. You probably heard it first hand. Do you really want someone back who doesn't care about you the way you care about them?
Another good tip on how to deal with a breakup, is for you to use your social support system. There are probably a lot of people who care about you. Friends, family, co-workers, etc...You don’t want to take them for granted, do you? Socializing with them is a good remedy for your melancholic mood. Make new friends. Do a new activity, have fun strolling, go shopping! There are a lot of things to do other than to mope around, watch T.V., or sleep all the time.
Learning how to deal with a breakup can be a character building experience. If you remember that your happiness doesn't depend on another person, you'll recover more quickly. In fact, if you take care of yourself properly and start living your life more fully and more satisfactory to you; and not worry about other people, you will actually make yourself more attractive to the opposite sex. It's kind of ironic, but it's true. The more independent and fun you can have with yourself and your friends, the more someone else will want you to be a part of their life.
Counselors and love experts have encountered numerous cases of breakups and they have been giving ideas on how to deal with a breakup for many years. While at first, it may seem difficult to apply some of these tips, it's important that you do so. If you don't learn how to deal with a breakup properly, it can cause you a lot of unnecessary suffering and misery.
Learning how to deal with a breakup can be easy., when you have good advice, and you put in some effort and put the advice to use.
The circumstances of your breakup is still fresh in your mind. The seemingly never ending “WHY?” questions keep your mind occupied almost the entire time you're awake. They may even find their way into your dreams while you sleep. Most of the time, we tend to blame ourselves after a breakup. While, there may be some things you're at fault for in the relationship, it's important that you not beat yourself up entirely about it.
It's important that you not focus entirely on what you did wrong. No one is perfect. You need to think about things the other person did that drove you crazy. What were some of their faults? Did they always falsely accuse you of something? Did they constantly bring up something during an argument that really had nothing to do with the current situation? After a breakup, it's easy to lose sight of the other person's faults. Don't let this happen. It's not uncommon after a breakup to only reflect upon the good memories. You need to remind yourself of the troubles your relationship had too.
This little bit of truth, may really hurt, but someone had to say it: the “but I love
Another good tip on how to deal with a breakup, is for you to use your social support system. There are probably a lot of people who care about you. Friends, family, co-workers, etc...You don’t want to take them for granted, do you? Socializing with them is a good remedy for your melancholic mood. Make new friends. Do a new activity, have fun strolling, go shopping! There are a lot of things to do other than to mope around, watch T.V., or sleep all the time.
Learning how to deal with a breakup can be a character building experience. If you remember that your happiness doesn't depend on another person, you'll recover more quickly. In fact, if you take care of yourself properly and start living your life more fully and more satisfactory to you; and not worry about other people, you will actually make yourself more attractive to the opposite sex. It's kind of ironic, but it's true. The more independent and fun you can have with yourself and your friends, the more someone else will want you to be a part of their life.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Is There Hope To Save A Marriage
With divorce as common as it is these days, it’s easy to understand why so many with marital troubles start to wonder, “Is there hope to save a marriage once it really hits the skids? Is there really no turning back?”
The good news is that there are realistic reasons to believe that you can bring your marriage back from the brink of divorce. Not only that, but you can use the opportunity to build an even closer and richer relationship than you had before. So the answer to the question, “Is there hope to save a marriage?” is definitely “Yes!”
Second chances work!
In the late 1980’s, the National Survey of Families and Households in the US tracked 645 spouses who rated their marriages as “unhappy.” The survey found that those who agreed to put off divorce and give the marriage a second chance rated their marriage as “happy” five years later. Sometimes it’s just a matter of taking a deep breath and agreeing to invest some time in working through your problems.
Where’s the love?
Marriage counselors rely on the fact that no matter how much some couples argue, most still have a basic respect and concern for each other. After all, unless you’re in an arranged marriage, you chose your partner because you saw a good amount of positive qualities in them. Those qualities are still there, even though you might not see them as clearly today or other less appetizing personality traits have cropped up in front of them. If you can remember the good times, you stand a good chance of reviving the positive feelings you had for each other and using those as a springboard for making up.
You can change things by yourself!
One of the biggest misconceptions about rescuing a marriage is that both sides have to want to save it. While it’s true that both sides have to give up the idea of divorce eventually, one spouse alone can still take steps to turn things around and buy a little time while the other reconsiders. The reason is that if you change your approach to your spouse, they’ll naturally change their behavior, too, and you start a positive cycle of improvement.
Right advice helps!
The trouble with relying on your own judgment alone to make up with your spouse is that you’re too close to the problem. To make matters worse, this is such an emotionally charged issue that even the most stable, logical person can easily overreact. That’s why having input from a knowledgeable, neutral third party is so invaluable. A marriage counselor is the obvious choice, but if you can’t afford one or your partner refuses to go, there are other sources of advice such as the marriage self-help ebooks available online or at your local bookstore.
Before you start thinking the only answer to the question, “Is there hope to save a marriage?” is “No,” take a deep breath and look at the realities. If you can get your spouse to agree to work out your problems together, you stand an excellent chance of avoiding divorce.
Even if you’re the only one who wants to stay together, though, you can still turn things around just by changing your own behavior.
If you want to stay together and are willing to try a provem program-Click Here!
The good news is that there are realistic reasons to believe that you can bring your marriage back from the brink of divorce. Not only that, but you can use the opportunity to build an even closer and richer relationship than you had before. So the answer to the question, “Is there hope to save a marriage?” is definitely “Yes!”
Second chances work!
In the late 1980’s, the National Survey of Families and Households in the US tracked 645 spouses who rated their marriages as “unhappy.” The survey found that those who agreed to put off divorce and give the marriage a second chance rated their marriage as “happy” five years later. Sometimes it’s just a matter of taking a deep breath and agreeing to invest some time in working through your problems.
Where’s the love?
Marriage counselors rely on the fact that no matter how much some couples argue, most still have a basic respect and concern for each other. After all, unless you’re in an arranged marriage, you chose your partner because you saw a good amount of positive qualities in them. Those qualities are still there, even though you might not see them as clearly today or other less appetizing personality traits have cropped up in front of them. If you can remember the good times, you stand a good chance of reviving the positive feelings you had for each other and using those as a springboard for making up.
You can change things by yourself!
One of the biggest misconceptions about rescuing a marriage is that both sides have to want to save it. While it’s true that both sides have to give up the idea of divorce eventually, one spouse alone can still take steps to turn things around and buy a little time while the other reconsiders. The reason is that if you change your approach to your spouse, they’ll naturally change their behavior, too, and you start a positive cycle of improvement.
Right advice helps!
The trouble with relying on your own judgment alone to make up with your spouse is that you’re too close to the problem. To make matters worse, this is such an emotionally charged issue that even the most stable, logical person can easily overreact. That’s why having input from a knowledgeable, neutral third party is so invaluable. A marriage counselor is the obvious choice, but if you can’t afford one or your partner refuses to go, there are other sources of advice such as the marriage self-help ebooks available online or at your local bookstore.
Before you start thinking the only answer to the question, “Is there hope to save a marriage?” is “No,” take a deep breath and look at the realities. If you can get your spouse to agree to work out your problems together, you stand an excellent chance of avoiding divorce.
Even if you’re the only one who wants to stay together, though, you can still turn things around just by changing your own behavior.
If you want to stay together and are willing to try a provem program-Click Here!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Relationship Advice For Women Five Tips On Avoiding Heartache
As you’ve probably noticed, there’s no shortage of relationship advice for women on how to get a boyfriend or deal with relationship problems. The lack seems to be somewhere in the middle: how do you avoid bad relationships in the first place?
Know who you’re looking for
When it comes to our love lives, most of us spend way too much time trying to be attractive to men in general and not nearly enough on deciding what type of man we’re really trying to attract. I’m not counting those fantasies about the tall, dark, and handsome wealthy investment banker who spends his weekends pirating on the high seas, either. I mean really thinking about the important character attributes of your ideal guy.
Watch out for major contradictions in your expectations, too. For instance, if you love the strong silent type, don’t complain when your macho man has a hard time sharing his feelings.
Establish your boundaries
Boundaries, popularly known as “deal breakers,” are your signals to leave a relationship ASAP. They’re things like physical abuse, criminal background, and addictions.
Here’s the thing, though: you need to decide what your boundaries are before you get involved with anyone. Once you’re romantically and physically involved—or even worse, financially entangled—it’s way too easy to start making excuses for his behavior.
One good piece of relationship advice for women is to share your deal breakers with a friend. That way, when you call her up to complain, she’ll give you a nudge by saying something like, “But didn’t you swear you’d break up with any guy who did that?”
Learn the warning signs
Tired of getting hurt by the same things over and over again? Most likely your man radar is broken. To fix it, learn the early warning signs that can
show you when your love interest is likely to be a cheater, physical abuser, alcoholic, or whatever else it is you want to avoid. This way you can filter out the noise and focus in on the good men. If you need pointers, relationship advice for women who’ve dealt with these kinds of guys can help you out.
Listen to your gut
How many times have you heard this one? Well, it’s one of the most often repeated pieces of relationship advice for women because it’s so true. In relationships, more than anywhere else, a gut feeling alone can tell you when things just aren’t going to work out. Don’t ignore your instincts.
Beware of instant attraction
Just about all of us have met at least one woman who swears she knew she’d found her soul mate the moment she set eyes upon the man who’s now her husband. It does happen. Chalk that one up to instinct, too, I guess.
More often, though, instant attraction eventually leaves you dazed and miserable from a whirlwind affair that crashed in less than a month. If you feel yourself irresistibly attracted to a man you just met, take a step back and ask yourself why? If you can’t see any major stop signs, go ahead and get to know the guy, but take it slower than you normally would. A strong initial attraction should make you more cautious, not less.
Before you read any more relationship advice for women, take some time to get clear on your own needs and desires.
Decide what kind of man you’re looking for and set clear boundaries and you’ll give yourself a much better chance of avoiding heartache in the future.
Know who you’re looking for
When it comes to our love lives, most of us spend way too much time trying to be attractive to men in general and not nearly enough on deciding what type of man we’re really trying to attract. I’m not counting those fantasies about the tall, dark, and handsome wealthy investment banker who spends his weekends pirating on the high seas, either. I mean really thinking about the important character attributes of your ideal guy.
Watch out for major contradictions in your expectations, too. For instance, if you love the strong silent type, don’t complain when your macho man has a hard time sharing his feelings.
Establish your boundaries
Boundaries, popularly known as “deal breakers,” are your signals to leave a relationship ASAP. They’re things like physical abuse, criminal background, and addictions.
Here’s the thing, though: you need to decide what your boundaries are before you get involved with anyone. Once you’re romantically and physically involved—or even worse, financially entangled—it’s way too easy to start making excuses for his behavior.
One good piece of relationship advice for women is to share your deal breakers with a friend. That way, when you call her up to complain, she’ll give you a nudge by saying something like, “But didn’t you swear you’d break up with any guy who did that?”
Learn the warning signs
Tired of getting hurt by the same things over and over again? Most likely your man radar is broken. To fix it, learn the early warning signs that can
show you when your love interest is likely to be a cheater, physical abuser, alcoholic, or whatever else it is you want to avoid. This way you can filter out the noise and focus in on the good men. If you need pointers, relationship advice for women who’ve dealt with these kinds of guys can help you out.
Listen to your gut
How many times have you heard this one? Well, it’s one of the most often repeated pieces of relationship advice for women because it’s so true. In relationships, more than anywhere else, a gut feeling alone can tell you when things just aren’t going to work out. Don’t ignore your instincts.
Beware of instant attraction
Just about all of us have met at least one woman who swears she knew she’d found her soul mate the moment she set eyes upon the man who’s now her husband. It does happen. Chalk that one up to instinct, too, I guess.
More often, though, instant attraction eventually leaves you dazed and miserable from a whirlwind affair that crashed in less than a month. If you feel yourself irresistibly attracted to a man you just met, take a step back and ask yourself why? If you can’t see any major stop signs, go ahead and get to know the guy, but take it slower than you normally would. A strong initial attraction should make you more cautious, not less.
Before you read any more relationship advice for women, take some time to get clear on your own needs and desires.
Decide what kind of man you’re looking for and set clear boundaries and you’ll give yourself a much better chance of avoiding heartache in the future.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Love Advice Relationship Problems Dont Have To Be Hard To Solve
It’s one of the main topics of love advice: relationship problems. In fact, with all the tips and hints out there, you’d think solving problems in a relationship requires scientific formula you need a PhD to understand.
The reality is, though, when you catch problems early and use plenty of patience and fairness, there are only a few steps you need to take to get things straightened out.
Identify the cause
Sometimes the cause of trouble in a relationship is obvious. It might be problems with money, the kids, or a certain habit one of you has that really irks the other. A lot of the time, though, there’s just a niggling sense that something isn’t right. Maybe there’s less romance, less physical affection, and a feeling of growing apart. In cases like this, you’ll need to look a little deeper to figure out what the root of your problem really is. Knowing this will make it a lot easier to use love advice: relationship problems don’t all have the same cause.
Pick your battles
Give some serious thought to whether the problem is really worth bringing up. You may decide the fact that your partner routinely leaves wet towels on the floor or even occasionally pays a bill a day or two late isn’t something you want to rock the boat over. On the other hand, if something your partner does leaves you feeling hurt or rejected or is causing serious financial or social problems, it’s a good idea to bring the issue up. That way you won’t give resentment a chance to grow.
Time it right
If you’ve decided you really do need to talk about an issue, pick a good time (or at least not a really bad time). Just remember, when one of you is stressed out or tired is not a good time to start a discussion about a serious problem.
Don’t ambush your partner, either. Pouncing on them with a heavy issue just gives the conversation a confrontational edge from the outset. Instead of the old “We need to talk,” try something less confrontational like “Honey, do you have a couple minutes to talk about something?”
Be gentle
Winning is not be the goal here. The goal is improving—or in some cases, saving—the relationship. If one of you is impatient, harshly critical, insulting you both lose.
Of course, that doesn’t mean you need to talk to your partner like they’re a three-year-old. Just talk to them with the same level of respect you would
Although it may sound like “softy” love advice, relationship problems don’t generally improve when one partner is aggressive.
Accept your share of the blame
Over all, it’s better to focus on solving the problem rather than riding the “Who started it” merry-go-round. That said, you still need to accept that something about your own behavior may need to change, too. Listen to your partner’s side of the story with an open mind and be willing to negotiate fairly. Of course, you still need to keep your personal boundaries as far as not accepting physical or emotional abuse.
Although the steps above should help you work out most common problems, keep reading up on how to resolve conflict in your relationship so you’ll know how to handle any serious issues that may come along. When it comes to love advice, relationship problems are one of the hottest topics, so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding some good tips.
The reality is, though, when you catch problems early and use plenty of patience and fairness, there are only a few steps you need to take to get things straightened out.
Identify the cause
Sometimes the cause of trouble in a relationship is obvious. It might be problems with money, the kids, or a certain habit one of you has that really irks the other. A lot of the time, though, there’s just a niggling sense that something isn’t right. Maybe there’s less romance, less physical affection, and a feeling of growing apart. In cases like this, you’ll need to look a little deeper to figure out what the root of your problem really is. Knowing this will make it a lot easier to use love advice: relationship problems don’t all have the same cause.
Pick your battles
Give some serious thought to whether the problem is really worth bringing up. You may decide the fact that your partner routinely leaves wet towels on the floor or even occasionally pays a bill a day or two late isn’t something you want to rock the boat over. On the other hand, if something your partner does leaves you feeling hurt or rejected or is causing serious financial or social problems, it’s a good idea to bring the issue up. That way you won’t give resentment a chance to grow.
Time it right
If you’ve decided you really do need to talk about an issue, pick a good time (or at least not a really bad time). Just remember, when one of you is stressed out or tired is not a good time to start a discussion about a serious problem.
Don’t ambush your partner, either. Pouncing on them with a heavy issue just gives the conversation a confrontational edge from the outset. Instead of the old “We need to talk,” try something less confrontational like “Honey, do you have a couple minutes to talk about something?”
Be gentle
Winning is not be the goal here. The goal is improving—or in some cases, saving—the relationship. If one of you is impatient, harshly critical, insulting you both lose.
Of course, that doesn’t mean you need to talk to your partner like they’re a three-year-old. Just talk to them with the same level of respect you would
Although it may sound like “softy” love advice, relationship problems don’t generally improve when one partner is aggressive.
Accept your share of the blame
Over all, it’s better to focus on solving the problem rather than riding the “Who started it” merry-go-round. That said, you still need to accept that something about your own behavior may need to change, too. Listen to your partner’s side of the story with an open mind and be willing to negotiate fairly. Of course, you still need to keep your personal boundaries as far as not accepting physical or emotional abuse.
Although the steps above should help you work out most common problems, keep reading up on how to resolve conflict in your relationship so you’ll know how to handle any serious issues that may come along. When it comes to love advice, relationship problems are one of the hottest topics, so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding some good tips.
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