As you’ve probably noticed, there’s no shortage of relationship advice for women on how to get a boyfriend or deal with relationship problems. The lack seems to be somewhere in the middle: how do you avoid bad relationships in the first place?
Know who you’re looking for
When it comes to our love lives, most of us spend way too much time trying to be attractive to men in general and not nearly enough on deciding what type of man we’re really trying to attract. I’m not counting those fantasies about the tall, dark, and handsome wealthy investment banker who spends his weekends pirating on the high seas, either. I mean really thinking about the important character attributes of your ideal guy.
Watch out for major contradictions in your expectations, too. For instance, if you love the strong silent type, don’t complain when your macho man has a hard time sharing his feelings.
Establish your boundaries
Boundaries, popularly known as “deal breakers,” are your signals to leave a relationship ASAP. They’re things like physical abuse, criminal background, and addictions.
Here’s the thing, though: you need to decide what your boundaries are before you get involved with anyone. Once you’re romantically and physically involved—or even worse, financially entangled—it’s way too easy to start making excuses for his behavior.
One good piece of relationship advice for women is to share your deal breakers with a friend. That way, when you call her up to complain, she’ll give you a nudge by saying something like, “But didn’t you swear you’d break up with any guy who did that?”
Learn the warning signs
Tired of getting hurt by the same things over and over again? Most likely your man radar is broken. To fix it, learn the early warning signs that can
show you when your love interest is likely to be a cheater, physical abuser, alcoholic, or whatever else it is you want to avoid. This way you can filter out the noise and focus in on the good men. If you need pointers, relationship advice for women who’ve dealt with these kinds of guys can help you out.
Listen to your gut
How many times have you heard this one? Well, it’s one of the most often repeated pieces of relationship advice for women because it’s so true. In relationships, more than anywhere else, a gut feeling alone can tell you when things just aren’t going to work out. Don’t ignore your instincts.
Beware of instant attraction
Just about all of us have met at least one woman who swears she knew she’d found her soul mate the moment she set eyes upon the man who’s now her husband. It does happen. Chalk that one up to instinct, too, I guess.
More often, though, instant attraction eventually leaves you dazed and miserable from a whirlwind affair that crashed in less than a month. If you feel yourself irresistibly attracted to a man you just met, take a step back and ask yourself why? If you can’t see any major stop signs, go ahead and get to know the guy, but take it slower than you normally would. A strong initial attraction should make you more cautious, not less.
Before you read any more relationship advice for women, take some time to get clear on your own needs and desires.
Decide what kind of man you’re looking for and set clear boundaries and you’ll give yourself a much better chance of avoiding heartache in the future.
Articles and Advice on Getting Back Together. In particular we examine and promote The Ex Back System.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back This Week
When you’re trying to get your ex boyfriend back, while a cooling-off period can do you both a lot of good, you don’t want to wait too long. Once the memories of all the good times you had together start to fade or he meets another woman, you may have lost him for good. To make sure that doesn’t happen, here’s a step-by-step plan to get your ex boyfriend back fast.
Assess why he left
When you first met, you were both on your best behavior and a lot more tolerant of each other’s quirks. But be honest, after you got more comfortable with each other you weren’t so perfect all the time, were you? Maybe you started to take him for granted or you got a little pushy now and then. Before you can get your ex boyfriend back for good, you need to know what made him leave in the first place.
Fix problems on your end
Once you know what went wrong, you need to find a way to make sure it doesn’t happen again. It’s easy to blame his annoying habits or lack of communication skills for any tensions between you two, but ultimately you are responsible for your reactions to whatever he does. You’ll either have to find a better way to deal with whatever he did that irritated you or decide maybe he wasn’t the right guy for you after all.
Plan your first contact
So, hopefully you haven’t already called him a dozen times and sent six emails titled “Please reply, I can’t live without you.” If you have, the rest of this article may not help you. If not, though, you still have the option of carefully planning how you’re going to get to see him again. Stay away from pathetic excuses and go for something fun and casual like inviting him out with him out with some of your friends to do something the two of you used to enjoy doing together.
Be open and flexible
Once you do get to talk to him, let him do the complaining and you do the listening. That doesn’t mean you should give in to all his demands, but at least hear him out before you jump in with your own opinions.
Remember, even if they weren’t obvious to you, he had good reasons to leave. If you’re going to be a couple again, you’ll need to do some compromising. One good tactic to get him to open up is to ask if he’d be willing to tell you what he felt went wrong in the relationship so you can learn from your mistakes.
You can probably get your ex boyfriend back a lot sooner than you think, but you need to have a proven plan to follow. Some of the free tips online may just backfire on you and make the split permanent. When you choose a proven plan designed by an experienced relationship counselor, though, you can not only get your ex boyfriend back, you can do it without any stress and drama.
For proven methods to getting your ex back-Click Here!
Assess why he left
When you first met, you were both on your best behavior and a lot more tolerant of each other’s quirks. But be honest, after you got more comfortable with each other you weren’t so perfect all the time, were you? Maybe you started to take him for granted or you got a little pushy now and then. Before you can get your ex boyfriend back for good, you need to know what made him leave in the first place.
Fix problems on your end
Once you know what went wrong, you need to find a way to make sure it doesn’t happen again. It’s easy to blame his annoying habits or lack of communication skills for any tensions between you two, but ultimately you are responsible for your reactions to whatever he does. You’ll either have to find a better way to deal with whatever he did that irritated you or decide maybe he wasn’t the right guy for you after all.
Plan your first contact
So, hopefully you haven’t already called him a dozen times and sent six emails titled “Please reply, I can’t live without you.” If you have, the rest of this article may not help you. If not, though, you still have the option of carefully planning how you’re going to get to see him again. Stay away from pathetic excuses and go for something fun and casual like inviting him out with him out with some of your friends to do something the two of you used to enjoy doing together.
Be open and flexible
Once you do get to talk to him, let him do the complaining and you do the listening. That doesn’t mean you should give in to all his demands, but at least hear him out before you jump in with your own opinions.
Remember, even if they weren’t obvious to you, he had good reasons to leave. If you’re going to be a couple again, you’ll need to do some compromising. One good tactic to get him to open up is to ask if he’d be willing to tell you what he felt went wrong in the relationship so you can learn from your mistakes.
You can probably get your ex boyfriend back a lot sooner than you think, but you need to have a proven plan to follow. Some of the free tips online may just backfire on you and make the split permanent. When you choose a proven plan designed by an experienced relationship counselor, though, you can not only get your ex boyfriend back, you can do it without any stress and drama.
For proven methods to getting your ex back-Click Here!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Discover The 5 Stages Of A Break Up
The process that comes after a break up can be broken into five primary steps. Each of the 5 stages of a break up are vital to the recovery process. How long each phase will last vary significantly, depending on the depth of the pain that you are dealing with. Understanding that there is a specific set of stages that we follow will help make it easier for you to cope with the healing process. It can take as many as a couple of years for you to fully recover from a serious hurt, but by breaking the break up process into five stages, you can learn how to cope with the loss a little more easily.
1 - First stage is Acknowledgement. In this stage, all that you can really do is acknowledge that the break up is real, without really wrapping your head around what is happening. You may feel all over the place, and the breakup may be taking over every aspect of your life by making you feel completely helpless, vulnerable and overwhelmed.
It is important when you are in this stage, that you think things through, as thoroughly as you can. You should try to stay aware of your feelings, even when you are not able to address them right away. Work through your pain, by focusing on positive things, like writing, competitive sports, drawing, making music, healthy exercise, doing crafts or spending time with people you care about.
2 - Second stage, arguably the most important of the 5 stages of a break up, is to Let It Out. There is nothing healthy about keeping your feelings pinned up for a long term basis. Free yourself from your pain, much more quickly, by opening yourself up and letting things out rather than just pretending to cope and keeping things bottled up inside. You do not have to feel like you are losing control; simply because you are letting your feelings out. Shedding some tears and pouring your frustration out into creative endeavors like writing and painting can be really good for you, so express yourself in a safe and comfortable place during this stage.
3 - Third stage is all about Nurturing. This is the stage where you allow other people to help you with the healing process by offering their own brand of comfort. Take the time to spend time with the people that you most care about. Allow them to offer their perspective, and give them a chance to take care of you. However, a word of caution should be noted at this point.
Many times your loved ones, not intentionally, can hamper your recovery or set your progress back, if they are not careful.You should be aware, that your loved ones are hurting because your hurting. Their TLC (tender loving care), at this stage of your recovery from the break up, should be positive and encouraging, not vengeful and anger at your former lover. If this occurrs you should ask them to refrain from this type of attitude. If they should choose to be negative about the situation, you will continue to heal from your pain much faster; by avoiding the negative contacts and comments.
4 - Fourth stage of the 5 stages of a breakup is the Reward stage or the fun stage. You have been suffering and now is the perfect opportunity to compensate yourself for it. Don't seek revenge against your ex, but satisfy yourself by making yourself feel and look better than ever before. The Reward stage is not about seeking revenge but is rather about rewarding yourself in positive and healthful ways. Let this break up be the beginning of a new and improved you rather than the demise of something worth holding on to unnecessarily.
5 - Fifth and final stage is the Moving on stage. This is where you can finally begin to look at the bigger picture, accepting the situation for what it is and moving on. This is the point where you can see why the break up occurred, who was responsible for what and why, and what has been learned in the process. By this stage, of the 5 stages of a breakup, you are no longer worried about the other person or what they are doing or thinking. You can look at the entire episode as something that happened in the past and move beyond it.
1 - First stage is Acknowledgement. In this stage, all that you can really do is acknowledge that the break up is real, without really wrapping your head around what is happening. You may feel all over the place, and the breakup may be taking over every aspect of your life by making you feel completely helpless, vulnerable and overwhelmed.
It is important when you are in this stage, that you think things through, as thoroughly as you can. You should try to stay aware of your feelings, even when you are not able to address them right away. Work through your pain, by focusing on positive things, like writing, competitive sports, drawing, making music, healthy exercise, doing crafts or spending time with people you care about.
2 - Second stage, arguably the most important of the 5 stages of a break up, is to Let It Out. There is nothing healthy about keeping your feelings pinned up for a long term basis. Free yourself from your pain, much more quickly, by opening yourself up and letting things out rather than just pretending to cope and keeping things bottled up inside. You do not have to feel like you are losing control; simply because you are letting your feelings out. Shedding some tears and pouring your frustration out into creative endeavors like writing and painting can be really good for you, so express yourself in a safe and comfortable place during this stage.
3 - Third stage is all about Nurturing. This is the stage where you allow other people to help you with the healing process by offering their own brand of comfort. Take the time to spend time with the people that you most care about. Allow them to offer their perspective, and give them a chance to take care of you. However, a word of caution should be noted at this point.
Many times your loved ones, not intentionally, can hamper your recovery or set your progress back, if they are not careful.You should be aware, that your loved ones are hurting because your hurting. Their TLC (tender loving care), at this stage of your recovery from the break up, should be positive and encouraging, not vengeful and anger at your former lover. If this occurrs you should ask them to refrain from this type of attitude. If they should choose to be negative about the situation, you will continue to heal from your pain much faster; by avoiding the negative contacts and comments.
4 - Fourth stage of the 5 stages of a breakup is the Reward stage or the fun stage. You have been suffering and now is the perfect opportunity to compensate yourself for it. Don't seek revenge against your ex, but satisfy yourself by making yourself feel and look better than ever before. The Reward stage is not about seeking revenge but is rather about rewarding yourself in positive and healthful ways. Let this break up be the beginning of a new and improved you rather than the demise of something worth holding on to unnecessarily.
5 - Fifth and final stage is the Moving on stage. This is where you can finally begin to look at the bigger picture, accepting the situation for what it is and moving on. This is the point where you can see why the break up occurred, who was responsible for what and why, and what has been learned in the process. By this stage, of the 5 stages of a breakup, you are no longer worried about the other person or what they are doing or thinking. You can look at the entire episode as something that happened in the past and move beyond it.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Relationship Depression - Don't Let It Destroy Your Relationship
Relationship depression can be caused by the end of a relationship or the continuation of a bad relationship. Either way it's very tough to get over it and move on to a brighter future.
Tough, but not impossible.
The first thing to do will depend on which is the cause: a bad breakup or a bad relationship.
If it's a breakup you will have to find a way to move on. You should be prepared to spend quite a bit of time on the healing process. Rely on friends and family as well as any activities that you enjoy and that make you feel good about yourself. Now is not the time to be self destructive or wallow in your pain.
If you simply can't seem to shake yourself out of your funk after several weeks or months, you may need professional help. If that's the case don't wait. There is nothing wrong with trying to work through your problems with an objective, professional, third party. You want to feel better as soon as you can so you should be willing to take all the help you can get.
If your depression is caused by the continuation of a bad relationship a lot of the same steps will apply.
First you will have to make the hard, brutally honest decision as to whether or not the relationship is really worth saving. For many, this is the hardest step because, more often than not, the honest answer would be no. Very simply it's not worth saving, but most people will bend over backwards to convince themselves and everyone around them; that it is worth saving. That is a lot of work. Trying to 'lie' to yourself and make yourself believe it. No wonder you're depressed.
However, if you believe your relationship really is worth a shot, because you and your partner are really loving, kind, and respectful to each other, the majority of the time, but a bad situation has made comunnicating difficult and put an enormous strain on your relationship. To save it and end the depression,
You will need to figure out how the two of you can work together; to make it through whatever issue is straining your relationship. No matter what it is you both have to remember that this is not the time to be at each other's throats. Too often couples will turn on each other when what they should really be doing is leaning on each other and trying to work together as a team to make it through this rough time.
If you, or your partner, needs a whipping post you should take up boxing, but don't take your frustrations out on each other.
The next step in saving the relationship is deciding what the problem is. For example, the solution will be different if you are depressed over a bad breakup than it would be if your depression is caused by problems in your existing relationship.
No matter which is the case, just make sure to enlist the help of a professional if you don't seem to be making progress on your own. You deserve to be happy.
For professioanl direction in you relationship-Click Here Now!
Tough, but not impossible.
The first thing to do will depend on which is the cause: a bad breakup or a bad relationship.
If it's a breakup you will have to find a way to move on. You should be prepared to spend quite a bit of time on the healing process. Rely on friends and family as well as any activities that you enjoy and that make you feel good about yourself. Now is not the time to be self destructive or wallow in your pain.
If you simply can't seem to shake yourself out of your funk after several weeks or months, you may need professional help. If that's the case don't wait. There is nothing wrong with trying to work through your problems with an objective, professional, third party. You want to feel better as soon as you can so you should be willing to take all the help you can get.
If your depression is caused by the continuation of a bad relationship a lot of the same steps will apply.
First you will have to make the hard, brutally honest decision as to whether or not the relationship is really worth saving. For many, this is the hardest step because, more often than not, the honest answer would be no. Very simply it's not worth saving, but most people will bend over backwards to convince themselves and everyone around them; that it is worth saving. That is a lot of work. Trying to 'lie' to yourself and make yourself believe it. No wonder you're depressed.
However, if you believe your relationship really is worth a shot, because you and your partner are really loving, kind, and respectful to each other, the majority of the time, but a bad situation has made comunnicating difficult and put an enormous strain on your relationship. To save it and end the depression,
You will need to figure out how the two of you can work together; to make it through whatever issue is straining your relationship. No matter what it is you both have to remember that this is not the time to be at each other's throats. Too often couples will turn on each other when what they should really be doing is leaning on each other and trying to work together as a team to make it through this rough time.
If you, or your partner, needs a whipping post you should take up boxing, but don't take your frustrations out on each other.
The next step in saving the relationship is deciding what the problem is. For example, the solution will be different if you are depressed over a bad breakup than it would be if your depression is caused by problems in your existing relationship.
No matter which is the case, just make sure to enlist the help of a professional if you don't seem to be making progress on your own. You deserve to be happy.
For professioanl direction in you relationship-Click Here Now!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Broken Relationships Rebound The Smart Way
How many times have you seen one of your friends break up with a long-term partner only to find, the very next week, someone who was obviously all wrong for them? It’s one of the most common after effects of the end of relationships: rebound dating.
The idea of rebound relationships is so ingrained into the way we think about dating that it just seems natural to look for one after a breakup. There’s something to be said for getting “back in the saddle,” choosing a partner when your judgment is clouded usually does more harm than good overall. If you want to get over your ex fast, there are better ways to do it.
Band-Aid relationships: rebound mindset.
The first step to keeping yourself from doing something you’ll regret is to take an honest look at what you’re feeling and understand how those feelings can lead you places you’d rather not go. A lot of times we just miss the companionship and look for someone to fill the gap in our schedule and distract us from the fact that our heart’s just been broken. In that case, make a point of finding a social time-filler that doesn’t involve romance.
Maintain your standards
The best thing you can do to avoid getting involved with someone who’s all wrong for you is stick to your standards. In fact, go ahead and raise them a little just to add a safety buffer. If the person you’re thinking about dating is less kind, less intelligent, less anything that you’d normally want, stay away. The people don’t make for good relationships, rebound or otherwise.
Beware of the handiest person
When we look for someone to rebound with, we need someone fast. We don’t have time to “waste” looking for someone we really click with, so we tend to latch on to someone we already know and have at least some rapport with. It might be a close friend, a co-worker, even someone who works at the grocery store down the street. If you find yourself falling for someone you’ve never been the least bit attracted to before, stop and think about what’s really going on here.
Take time for yourself
Instead of filling your time with go-nowhere dates, get out and make some new friends (that’s “friends,” not “lovers.” There’s a difference.) Get involved in something you’ve always wanted to do but never had time for. Whatever you do, don’t sit around pining for your ex or scouring the bookstore shelves for self help books.
Be gentle with yourself.
Even if your not sobbing into your pillow every night, the end of a relationship will naturally make you feel a little bummed out and low on energy. Take that into account and try not to start any major projects for a few weeks. Instead, treat yourself to some time out to do something you enjoy.
Of course, not every rebound relationship ends up a disaster. If you’re lucky, you’ll have a fun fling. If you do decide to get involved with someone after a breakup, though, make sure you’ve taken a little off by yourself and you’re not lowering your standards. While we can prevent broken relationships: rebound dates gone wrong are easy to avoid.
The idea of rebound relationships is so ingrained into the way we think about dating that it just seems natural to look for one after a breakup. There’s something to be said for getting “back in the saddle,” choosing a partner when your judgment is clouded usually does more harm than good overall. If you want to get over your ex fast, there are better ways to do it.
Band-Aid relationships: rebound mindset.
The first step to keeping yourself from doing something you’ll regret is to take an honest look at what you’re feeling and understand how those feelings can lead you places you’d rather not go. A lot of times we just miss the companionship and look for someone to fill the gap in our schedule and distract us from the fact that our heart’s just been broken. In that case, make a point of finding a social time-filler that doesn’t involve romance.
Maintain your standards
The best thing you can do to avoid getting involved with someone who’s all wrong for you is stick to your standards. In fact, go ahead and raise them a little just to add a safety buffer. If the person you’re thinking about dating is less kind, less intelligent, less anything that you’d normally want, stay away. The people don’t make for good relationships, rebound or otherwise.
Beware of the handiest person
When we look for someone to rebound with, we need someone fast. We don’t have time to “waste” looking for someone we really click with, so we tend to latch on to someone we already know and have at least some rapport with. It might be a close friend, a co-worker, even someone who works at the grocery store down the street. If you find yourself falling for someone you’ve never been the least bit attracted to before, stop and think about what’s really going on here.
Take time for yourself
Instead of filling your time with go-nowhere dates, get out and make some new friends (that’s “friends,” not “lovers.” There’s a difference.) Get involved in something you’ve always wanted to do but never had time for. Whatever you do, don’t sit around pining for your ex or scouring the bookstore shelves for self help books.
Be gentle with yourself.
Even if your not sobbing into your pillow every night, the end of a relationship will naturally make you feel a little bummed out and low on energy. Take that into account and try not to start any major projects for a few weeks. Instead, treat yourself to some time out to do something you enjoy.
Of course, not every rebound relationship ends up a disaster. If you’re lucky, you’ll have a fun fling. If you do decide to get involved with someone after a breakup, though, make sure you’ve taken a little off by yourself and you’re not lowering your standards. While we can prevent broken relationships: rebound dates gone wrong are easy to avoid.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Common Reasons for Relationship Breakups
When two people come to share a certain bond, there is no assurance that the bond will remain strong until the end of their lives. Relationship breakups arise when one or both parties feel the need to end the relationship they are in. Love comes into your life, but may leave after a certain period of time. People break free from relationships for many different reasons. This article will explore relationship breakups.
Relationship breakups as mentioned above happen for many different reasons.
Distrust is one. When you commit yourself to a person, you automatically put your trust in that person. You wouldn’t have committed yourself had you not loved the person from the start. The trust you give a person encompasses faith, love, and security. You trust that your partner will remain faithful to you, and will love you wholeheartedly. But sometimes, out of recklessness, or stupidity; trust is broken by the one person you have willingly given it to. Love dies along with trust. Sometimes, when that trust is broken and love is gone, you don't want to be in the relationship anymore. This is one common reason for relationship breakups.
Another reason for relationship breakups is differences. Usually, when you start a relationship with someone, it's because you have at least one major factor in common with that other person. But sometimes, at a certain point; you or the other person in your relationship will find big differences about you or the other person. Things just aren’t the way they were before and if that commonality isn't there anymore, the relationship may wither and die. As relationships mature, they become comfortable. And as the saying goes; “comfort often breeds contempt.” Even if contempt isn't the right word, boredom often sets into a mature relationship.
When you are put in this situation, you find yourself having a difficulty handling your relationship, your differences. And then you or the other person may want out of the relationship because the relationship has lost its excitement. If the relationship doesn't match your needs or those of your significant other, then that's usually when the relationship will start to sour.
The ultimate reason for relationship breakups is loss of love.
Sometimes, even if things seem to always be right, when love leaves, relationships have to end. It is true that most of the time love is the reason two people got into a relationship in the first place, but it also is the reason why couples drift apart. You may certainly feel so in love with your partner now, and your partner in love with you, but there may come a time, as there have been for others, that love will leave you or them behind. It's an unfortunate fact, but people fall out of love every day.
When love leaves, there is no reason to for you or your partner to stay. It is love that put you together, and most of the time it will be lack of love that will break you apart.
Relationship breakups as mentioned above happen for many different reasons.
Distrust is one. When you commit yourself to a person, you automatically put your trust in that person. You wouldn’t have committed yourself had you not loved the person from the start. The trust you give a person encompasses faith, love, and security. You trust that your partner will remain faithful to you, and will love you wholeheartedly. But sometimes, out of recklessness, or stupidity; trust is broken by the one person you have willingly given it to. Love dies along with trust. Sometimes, when that trust is broken and love is gone, you don't want to be in the relationship anymore. This is one common reason for relationship breakups.
Another reason for relationship breakups is differences. Usually, when you start a relationship with someone, it's because you have at least one major factor in common with that other person. But sometimes, at a certain point; you or the other person in your relationship will find big differences about you or the other person. Things just aren’t the way they were before and if that commonality isn't there anymore, the relationship may wither and die. As relationships mature, they become comfortable. And as the saying goes; “comfort often breeds contempt.” Even if contempt isn't the right word, boredom often sets into a mature relationship.
When you are put in this situation, you find yourself having a difficulty handling your relationship, your differences. And then you or the other person may want out of the relationship because the relationship has lost its excitement. If the relationship doesn't match your needs or those of your significant other, then that's usually when the relationship will start to sour.
The ultimate reason for relationship breakups is loss of love.
Sometimes, even if things seem to always be right, when love leaves, relationships have to end. It is true that most of the time love is the reason two people got into a relationship in the first place, but it also is the reason why couples drift apart. You may certainly feel so in love with your partner now, and your partner in love with you, but there may come a time, as there have been for others, that love will leave you or them behind. It's an unfortunate fact, but people fall out of love every day.
When love leaves, there is no reason to for you or your partner to stay. It is love that put you together, and most of the time it will be lack of love that will break you apart.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Five Stages of Courtship
In any and all courtships, there are five stages of non-verbal communication that occur. No matter what culture, society, or demographics that a person has, they will always follow these stages in their courtship.
Let’s take a look at the five stages and what is involved with each one.
The first stage in courtship is getting attention. You want to let people know that you are single and looking. You do this through your posture, movements, facial expressions, clothing, and other forms of communication that are all non-verbal. You are getting attention in a submissive way.
The second stage is learning to read body language. After you have gotten attention, you need to start looking for positive signs from those around you. You are looking for who is responding to your cries for attention. Who recognizes your non-verbal cues and is in tune enough to show an interest in them? These are all things that you will see in the body language of the people that are around you. This can tell you a lot about whom to move on to the next stage of courtship with.
In the third stage, verbal communication is introduced. Once you know who is interested, you can start talking with them. However, this stage is also mostly centered on non-verbal communication. There are many things that can be implied by simply saying, “Hello” to someone. It is all in body language and tone of voice. You can get a good understanding of how things are progressing by what is not being said. Pay close attention to the non-verbal signs that people are giving off. If you see cues that are saying the person is definitely interested, it is much easier to approach them and say Hello. It is also much less frightening and awkward this way.
The fourth stage of courtship involves physical touch. This stage can be very subtle and start out completely innocently. There could be an accidental brushing up against someone or an accidental touch. The response that is received is what will determine where this stage goes. If the person is not interested in taking things further, their non-verbal communication will clearly display this. They will give off clear signs that they have no interest in what is going on. There are different time frames for this stage to last. It is different for each individual couple and their unique situations.
The last stage in courtship involves adding intimacy and sex to the relationship. Once again, as with the first four stages, the non-verbal cues should be your guide in moving forward in this stage. Cuddling, gazing, stroking, kissing, holding hands and other ways to show and display affection will all present themselves during this stage. If you do not see these signs from your partner, then you are not both ready to move into this stage. When people are intimate with each other, their body language will be very clear. However, their voice and tone will change as well. After all, tone of voice and how we speak can go a long way towards letting our partner know how interested we are in them and how much we desire them and the intimacy that is to follow.
Let’s take a look at the five stages and what is involved with each one.
The first stage in courtship is getting attention. You want to let people know that you are single and looking. You do this through your posture, movements, facial expressions, clothing, and other forms of communication that are all non-verbal. You are getting attention in a submissive way.
The second stage is learning to read body language. After you have gotten attention, you need to start looking for positive signs from those around you. You are looking for who is responding to your cries for attention. Who recognizes your non-verbal cues and is in tune enough to show an interest in them? These are all things that you will see in the body language of the people that are around you. This can tell you a lot about whom to move on to the next stage of courtship with.
In the third stage, verbal communication is introduced. Once you know who is interested, you can start talking with them. However, this stage is also mostly centered on non-verbal communication. There are many things that can be implied by simply saying, “Hello” to someone. It is all in body language and tone of voice. You can get a good understanding of how things are progressing by what is not being said. Pay close attention to the non-verbal signs that people are giving off. If you see cues that are saying the person is definitely interested, it is much easier to approach them and say Hello. It is also much less frightening and awkward this way.
The fourth stage of courtship involves physical touch. This stage can be very subtle and start out completely innocently. There could be an accidental brushing up against someone or an accidental touch. The response that is received is what will determine where this stage goes. If the person is not interested in taking things further, their non-verbal communication will clearly display this. They will give off clear signs that they have no interest in what is going on. There are different time frames for this stage to last. It is different for each individual couple and their unique situations.
The last stage in courtship involves adding intimacy and sex to the relationship. Once again, as with the first four stages, the non-verbal cues should be your guide in moving forward in this stage. Cuddling, gazing, stroking, kissing, holding hands and other ways to show and display affection will all present themselves during this stage. If you do not see these signs from your partner, then you are not both ready to move into this stage. When people are intimate with each other, their body language will be very clear. However, their voice and tone will change as well. After all, tone of voice and how we speak can go a long way towards letting our partner know how interested we are in them and how much we desire them and the intimacy that is to follow.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Christian Relationship Advice For Young Adults
Sound Christian relationship advice is even more important today than it was just a few decades ago. Let’s face it, these days navigating the dating minefield is hard enough even for those who do let Hollywood movies and popular magazines dictate their opinion. When you plan to stick to moral values that sometimes go against today’s social norms, though, it gets even more complicated.
To make matters worse, Christian relationship advice isn’t easy to find. After all, the Scriptures are fairly quiet on the subject of dating. If you’re starting to feel lost, here are some things to keep in mind.
Don’t feel pressured!
You and only you are responsible for your behavior. Modern society can be pretty casual about things like club hopping and having “friends with benefits” and it’s easy to feel like there’s something wrong with you if you don’t want those things.
Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong about maintaining Christian values, so don’t let anyone make you feel like “uncool” for doing so. Compromise your morals and not only will you be angry with yourself for it, you’ll end up with a relationship you’re not happy with. There really isn’t anything to gain from it.
Get a Christian perspective!
If you’re getting your relationship advice from a hodgepodge of self-help books and daytime talk shows, well, you’re bound to get confused. If you want solid Christian relationship advice, seek out material by and for Christians.
Advice on things like breaking up, dating someone of a different denomination or a non-Christian, and how far to take physical intimacy are all going to be a little different coming from a Christian than from anyone else. After all, that’s the whole point of Christian relationship advice. That’s not to say you should only read material written by Christians, of course. Getting a different perspective is useful, too. Just make sure you consider the source before you actually take the advice.
Hang out with other Christians!
Sounds obvious, doesn’t it? But do you actually do it? If you want to date Christians, you’ve got to go where the Christians are. When you’re busy with school, work, and other responsibilities, though, it’s easy to forget to set a side time for that. You need to make a point of looking for Christian volunteer activities and fellowship groups where you can meet some new people.
Date for marriage!
If you’re dating because you want to find a life partner, dating specifically for marriage will save you both time and a whole lot of heartache. Keep in mind, too, that just because a Christian isn’t dating just for the chance to sleep around, that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re dating for marriage.
They may just be dating to have some fun on the weekends. Don’t be shy about asking your date if they’re currently looking for “the one.” If they’re not and you are, you may want to stop seeing them and look for someone more marriage minded.
If you’re hoping to find a fulfilling, loving relationship with another devout Christian, have faith that there’s someone out there looking for someone like you, too. With a little determination and some trustworthy Christian relationship advice, you stand a pretty good chance of finding them.
To make matters worse, Christian relationship advice isn’t easy to find. After all, the Scriptures are fairly quiet on the subject of dating. If you’re starting to feel lost, here are some things to keep in mind.
Don’t feel pressured!
You and only you are responsible for your behavior. Modern society can be pretty casual about things like club hopping and having “friends with benefits” and it’s easy to feel like there’s something wrong with you if you don’t want those things.
Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong about maintaining Christian values, so don’t let anyone make you feel like “uncool” for doing so. Compromise your morals and not only will you be angry with yourself for it, you’ll end up with a relationship you’re not happy with. There really isn’t anything to gain from it.
Get a Christian perspective!
If you’re getting your relationship advice from a hodgepodge of self-help books and daytime talk shows, well, you’re bound to get confused. If you want solid Christian relationship advice, seek out material by and for Christians.
Advice on things like breaking up, dating someone of a different denomination or a non-Christian, and how far to take physical intimacy are all going to be a little different coming from a Christian than from anyone else. After all, that’s the whole point of Christian relationship advice. That’s not to say you should only read material written by Christians, of course. Getting a different perspective is useful, too. Just make sure you consider the source before you actually take the advice.
Hang out with other Christians!
Sounds obvious, doesn’t it? But do you actually do it? If you want to date Christians, you’ve got to go where the Christians are. When you’re busy with school, work, and other responsibilities, though, it’s easy to forget to set a side time for that. You need to make a point of looking for Christian volunteer activities and fellowship groups where you can meet some new people.
Date for marriage!
If you’re dating because you want to find a life partner, dating specifically for marriage will save you both time and a whole lot of heartache. Keep in mind, too, that just because a Christian isn’t dating just for the chance to sleep around, that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re dating for marriage.
They may just be dating to have some fun on the weekends. Don’t be shy about asking your date if they’re currently looking for “the one.” If they’re not and you are, you may want to stop seeing them and look for someone more marriage minded.
If you’re hoping to find a fulfilling, loving relationship with another devout Christian, have faith that there’s someone out there looking for someone like you, too. With a little determination and some trustworthy Christian relationship advice, you stand a pretty good chance of finding them.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
10 Ways To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Fast
Some romantic break ups just aren't meant to be, and are worth trying to repair.
Are you trying to get your ex husband or ex-boyfriend back? The first thing that you need to do, is to determine whether or not this is actually what you want to accomplish. Once you have made up your mind and have decided that you want to get your former boyfriend or spouse back, then some of the following, ten ways to get your ex boyfriend back, may be able to help.
1 - Take the time to figure out why the breakup occurred. Is there something that you can change? Sometimes people get comfortable in their relationships and let themselves go, and all it takes to repair this problem is to discover what it is and make a change.
2 - Never personally tell him that you want him back. The odds are, he is missing you too. Play a little bit hard to get and let him remember why he misses you and wants you back. Whatever you do don't overplay this card, as it could have disastrous consequences for you.
3 - Take a look at how you present yourself. Do you make an effort to dress up for your ex boyfriend, or are you too comfortable around him for that now? If you used to dress more nicely and perhaps more provocative, consider going back to that. If you dress to impress, he may find himself wanting you back.
4 - Get a little closer to his male friends to stir up a bit of jealousy. Some times all that it takes is to remind him how much he wants you back by making him a little jealous. However, a word of caution when using this tactic; it could possibly backfire on you.
5 - Think about how you talk to him, in comparison to how you used to talk to him. Talk to him the same way that you want to be spoken to if you want to reignite a romantic feeling between the two of you. Bring back the "sweet terms of endearment" you guys used when you first fell in love with each other.
6 - Ask him out after you have formed a game plan, and show him that you can still have fun together with one another. Don't worry about complicating things by working out the issues now, just show him that you guys can still have fun and watch things reignite accordingly.
7 - Force yourself to be laid back and even confident when you are around him. Do not stress yourself out worrying about talking things through with him. Most guys prefer girls that know what is best for them.
8 - Don't focus on him too hard. Don't outright ignore your ex boyfriend, but take some of your focus away from him and let him wonder about it. Tell him you're busy or just have a lot going on, rather than making it about him. Let him sit and stew, and he may end up being the one rekindling things! Once again don't overdo it.
9 - Act like you know he cares about you, but that you're not all together affected by it. The moment he realizes you're getting over him, he may be much more willing to do the chasing. Let him remember how important you are and see what happens.
10 - Show him that you can have plenty of fun without him. Don't be mean in how you act around former lover, but show him that you're having a good time with your friends and he may remember why he fell in love with you in the first place.
These 10 ways to get your ex boyfriend back are not set in stone and you should be flexible. Use your commonsense and allow the truthfulness of your love too shine through and hopefully your ex will be back in your arms before you know it.
For more tips, advice and real stratigies-Click Here!
Are you trying to get your ex husband or ex-boyfriend back? The first thing that you need to do, is to determine whether or not this is actually what you want to accomplish. Once you have made up your mind and have decided that you want to get your former boyfriend or spouse back, then some of the following, ten ways to get your ex boyfriend back, may be able to help.
1 - Take the time to figure out why the breakup occurred. Is there something that you can change? Sometimes people get comfortable in their relationships and let themselves go, and all it takes to repair this problem is to discover what it is and make a change.
2 - Never personally tell him that you want him back. The odds are, he is missing you too. Play a little bit hard to get and let him remember why he misses you and wants you back. Whatever you do don't overplay this card, as it could have disastrous consequences for you.
3 - Take a look at how you present yourself. Do you make an effort to dress up for your ex boyfriend, or are you too comfortable around him for that now? If you used to dress more nicely and perhaps more provocative, consider going back to that. If you dress to impress, he may find himself wanting you back.
4 - Get a little closer to his male friends to stir up a bit of jealousy. Some times all that it takes is to remind him how much he wants you back by making him a little jealous. However, a word of caution when using this tactic; it could possibly backfire on you.
5 - Think about how you talk to him, in comparison to how you used to talk to him. Talk to him the same way that you want to be spoken to if you want to reignite a romantic feeling between the two of you. Bring back the "sweet terms of endearment" you guys used when you first fell in love with each other.
6 - Ask him out after you have formed a game plan, and show him that you can still have fun together with one another. Don't worry about complicating things by working out the issues now, just show him that you guys can still have fun and watch things reignite accordingly.
7 - Force yourself to be laid back and even confident when you are around him. Do not stress yourself out worrying about talking things through with him. Most guys prefer girls that know what is best for them.
8 - Don't focus on him too hard. Don't outright ignore your ex boyfriend, but take some of your focus away from him and let him wonder about it. Tell him you're busy or just have a lot going on, rather than making it about him. Let him sit and stew, and he may end up being the one rekindling things! Once again don't overdo it.
9 - Act like you know he cares about you, but that you're not all together affected by it. The moment he realizes you're getting over him, he may be much more willing to do the chasing. Let him remember how important you are and see what happens.
10 - Show him that you can have plenty of fun without him. Don't be mean in how you act around former lover, but show him that you're having a good time with your friends and he may remember why he fell in love with you in the first place.
These 10 ways to get your ex boyfriend back are not set in stone and you should be flexible. Use your commonsense and allow the truthfulness of your love too shine through and hopefully your ex will be back in your arms before you know it.
For more tips, advice and real stratigies-Click Here!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Advice For A Broken Heart Heals Like Magic
Advice for a broken heart can work like magic and help to heal you provided you’re willing to listen and take the advice to heart. The primary thing is to use your common sense as you evaluate the words of wisdom given to you. Read on to find common sense words of healing that come from the heart as well as the brain.
The feelings of loss that come with a breakup can be really intense. Healing a broken heart following the loss of a love can take quite a lot of time. Nothing quite comes close to the sadness and the despair that are felt following the dissolution of a longstanding relationship. Sometimes you are simply going to want to get back with your ex, and sometimes you are going to simply want to forget them completely. Either way, it will definitely take some time for you to handle your broken heart. Regrouping and finding a way to get your emotions in order again is vital.
Rushing into a relationship for a rebound is rarely going to work out on a long term basis. This is the reason why rebound relationships are regarded as they are. Rather than rushing into something that is only to create more heartbreak, it would be wise to settle down your feelings and take things slow for a while so you can feel better. You can date if you feel comfortable doing so, but take it slow rather than rushing into something that will cause harm more than good. Don't get serious too fast if you want to recover from your broken heart rather than allowing it to rule you.
- Pause and take the time to regroup rather than rushing into dating, or rushing into trying to find a replacement relationship. If you come off as too needy, you will appear unappealing to most people out there. Take a dating time out, instead, and allow your emotions to be settled a bit before you make any rash decisions regarding your love life.
- Talk things out. Find a close friend and sit down with them, discussing things as thoroughly as you can. Listen to their advice for a broken heart and take their input to heart. Outside parties can usually be more objective than you during occasions like these.
- Do not try to rekindle things right away. You may feel desperate to get your ex back, but if you act desperately, things will get even worse. If your plan is to get your ex back, relax and take things slow. Play it slow and casual, begin things as friends, then let things develop slowly and only if they are really meant to.
It may be fruitful to date a couple of new people first, settling your emotions and calming your neediness down. Give your ex time to think about you, and to decide what they are looking for in life. When they see that you are doing fine and are not needy, you may begin to appear attractive to them again, which is an excellent way to slowly woo them back into your life. Just take things slow and play it cool, and if it is meant to be, it will. This is the best and most advantageous way to get your ex back, if that is your plan.
As you can see, some of the best advice for a broken heart is simply to give it time to heal and as it does you will indeed be able to move forward with your life.
Here is a great product that could help you more- Click Here!
The feelings of loss that come with a breakup can be really intense. Healing a broken heart following the loss of a love can take quite a lot of time. Nothing quite comes close to the sadness and the despair that are felt following the dissolution of a longstanding relationship. Sometimes you are simply going to want to get back with your ex, and sometimes you are going to simply want to forget them completely. Either way, it will definitely take some time for you to handle your broken heart. Regrouping and finding a way to get your emotions in order again is vital.
Rushing into a relationship for a rebound is rarely going to work out on a long term basis. This is the reason why rebound relationships are regarded as they are. Rather than rushing into something that is only to create more heartbreak, it would be wise to settle down your feelings and take things slow for a while so you can feel better. You can date if you feel comfortable doing so, but take it slow rather than rushing into something that will cause harm more than good. Don't get serious too fast if you want to recover from your broken heart rather than allowing it to rule you.
- Pause and take the time to regroup rather than rushing into dating, or rushing into trying to find a replacement relationship. If you come off as too needy, you will appear unappealing to most people out there. Take a dating time out, instead, and allow your emotions to be settled a bit before you make any rash decisions regarding your love life.
- Talk things out. Find a close friend and sit down with them, discussing things as thoroughly as you can. Listen to their advice for a broken heart and take their input to heart. Outside parties can usually be more objective than you during occasions like these.
- Do not try to rekindle things right away. You may feel desperate to get your ex back, but if you act desperately, things will get even worse. If your plan is to get your ex back, relax and take things slow. Play it slow and casual, begin things as friends, then let things develop slowly and only if they are really meant to.
It may be fruitful to date a couple of new people first, settling your emotions and calming your neediness down. Give your ex time to think about you, and to decide what they are looking for in life. When they see that you are doing fine and are not needy, you may begin to appear attractive to them again, which is an excellent way to slowly woo them back into your life. Just take things slow and play it cool, and if it is meant to be, it will. This is the best and most advantageous way to get your ex back, if that is your plan.
As you can see, some of the best advice for a broken heart is simply to give it time to heal and as it does you will indeed be able to move forward with your life.
Here is a great product that could help you more- Click Here!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Relationship Advice For Men Who Want To Keep Their Girlfriends
Okay, so your girlfriend probably won’t walk out on you because you left your socks on the floor, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t still a few critical factors that, if ignored, could have her heading for the door. Even if you think you know what makes your girlfriend tick, you may be surprised at some of the things you’ve been overlooking.
Express your love!
I know what you’re thinking: “But I do show my love! I bought her a…” Stop right there. Unfortunately, material gifts and even the amount of time and energy you spend helping go right over some women’s heads. Many women don’t truly feel loved unless they hear the “I love you” fairly frequently.
No, your girlfriend hasn’t forgotten all the nice things you’ve done; she just thinks maybe your feelings have changed since then. Yeah, that’s right: since yesterday. See, the thing is women continually re-assess their relationships. Men tend to get comfortable and assume if there are no fights, then everything’s dandy. That’s exactly how so many guys get blindsided by break ups introduced with “Honey, we need to talk.”
So go ahead and tell her in so many words that you love her. If you have a hard time saying it, write a little note and slip it in her wallet or stick it on the bathroom mirror. If that’s still a little to awkward for you, make a point of thanking her for something routine like making dinner or acknowledging something she’s done well.
Imagine starting an important conversation with your girlfriend or wife only to notice her staring into space as you talk. Wouldn’t you feel a little rejected? This is the same situation a lot of women face with their boyfriends or husbands, who often don’t even notice they’re spacing out. When you’re girlfriend talks, try to put aside what your doing and really listen.
That doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to have some quiet time to yourself, though. Whether you’re trying to finish a report for work the next day or just want to watch the game, if you gently explain that you’d rather have the chat at a later time, a real lady will give you your space.
Use honesty wisely!
As much as we may want to believe honesty is the best policy, anyone with a little life experience will tell you it isn’t always. While outright lies are a no-no, a little tact and diplomacy can go a long way towards keeping peace in the house.
What that means is the correct answer to “Do I look fat in this?” is not “No, you look 10 pounds lighter,” but something like “Can’t say. You look good to me no matter what you wear.” Sound corny? Try it sometime and I bet you’ll like the result.
Being tactful doesn’t mean you should keep quite about things that really bother you, though. It’s better to bring problems to light in than let your resentment simmer and risk blowing up at her one day.
When both partners are willing have a little patience and keep an open mind, love relationships don’t have to been filled with frustration and drama. Get some good relationship advice for men, from the right source and your relationships should be smooth sailing from here on out.
Express your love!
I know what you’re thinking: “But I do show my love! I bought her a…” Stop right there. Unfortunately, material gifts and even the amount of time and energy you spend helping go right over some women’s heads. Many women don’t truly feel loved unless they hear the “I love you” fairly frequently.
No, your girlfriend hasn’t forgotten all the nice things you’ve done; she just thinks maybe your feelings have changed since then. Yeah, that’s right: since yesterday. See, the thing is women continually re-assess their relationships. Men tend to get comfortable and assume if there are no fights, then everything’s dandy. That’s exactly how so many guys get blindsided by break ups introduced with “Honey, we need to talk.”
So go ahead and tell her in so many words that you love her. If you have a hard time saying it, write a little note and slip it in her wallet or stick it on the bathroom mirror. If that’s still a little to awkward for you, make a point of thanking her for something routine like making dinner or acknowledging something she’s done well.
Imagine starting an important conversation with your girlfriend or wife only to notice her staring into space as you talk. Wouldn’t you feel a little rejected? This is the same situation a lot of women face with their boyfriends or husbands, who often don’t even notice they’re spacing out. When you’re girlfriend talks, try to put aside what your doing and really listen.
That doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to have some quiet time to yourself, though. Whether you’re trying to finish a report for work the next day or just want to watch the game, if you gently explain that you’d rather have the chat at a later time, a real lady will give you your space.
Use honesty wisely!
As much as we may want to believe honesty is the best policy, anyone with a little life experience will tell you it isn’t always. While outright lies are a no-no, a little tact and diplomacy can go a long way towards keeping peace in the house.
What that means is the correct answer to “Do I look fat in this?” is not “No, you look 10 pounds lighter,” but something like “Can’t say. You look good to me no matter what you wear.” Sound corny? Try it sometime and I bet you’ll like the result.
Being tactful doesn’t mean you should keep quite about things that really bother you, though. It’s better to bring problems to light in than let your resentment simmer and risk blowing up at her one day.
When both partners are willing have a little patience and keep an open mind, love relationships don’t have to been filled with frustration and drama. Get some good relationship advice for men, from the right source and your relationships should be smooth sailing from here on out.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Who Can Help Me Save My Marriage
Feel like you’ve exhausted every option you could think up on your own and you just want to storm into some marriage counselors’ office as shout, “Help me save my marriage? Please!” Except for the shouting part, you’re actually on the right track looking for advice from some place other than your own head.
If you have any friends who’ve managed to dodge an impending divorce, ask them how they did it. Don’t just think about friends your age, either. Older couples can be a goldmine of advice on working through marriage troubles.
Even if they seem to have a perfect relationship now, you might be surprised to hear what they’ve gone through. Of course, the problem with asking friends for advice is their experience is limited to what worked for them. What worked for them won’t necessarily work for you, though.
Online Forums
The Internet is great place to find information on just about everything and marriage is no exception. The advantage of getting advice from forums is that you can ask questions anonymously and get opinions from a variety of people who’ll most likely have very different view points from you. The drawback is that you won’t get a truly useful response from one “help me save my marriage” post. The lack of real-time interaction means you don’t get the back-and-forth dialogue you’d need to really get to the root of your problems and find a workable solution.
Marriage counseling!
It’s one of the first thing well meaning friends ask when you admit your marriage is on the rocks: “Have you thought of counseling?” There’s good reason for that. A professional marriage counselor has training in resolving marital conflicts and many years of experience working with different types of couples and problems.
The trouble you usually run into here is that one spouse doesn’t want to go. Usually, that partner believes the marriage has already flat-lined and any attempt to revive it is a waste of time and energy. If you’re partner feels that way, don’t give up just yet. While you want to avoid pressuring or begging, simple logic can work wonders.
Counseling can help, of course, but it’s not a cure-all. Did you know the average marriage councilors’ success rate is only around 30%? That’s hardly enough to make it worth shouting “Help me save my marriage!” at the counselor.
Self-help books!
If you’ve been looking online for tips, you’ve probably run into a few of those ebooks that provide guidance for working through a rough patch in a marriage even when one partner is ready to call it quits. They may not seem like much, but in reality, the best of these can be surprisingly effective.
Most of these plans were developed by highly experienced marriage counselors who found a “formula” for what works, so they usually have a success rate higher than that of most marriage counselors.
For a great online source to save your marriage-Click Here Now!
Whatever you do, don’t delude yourself into thinking the problems between you and your spouse will disappear of their own accord. It’s not enough to sit and wonder “Who can help me save my marriage?” You need to decide where you’re going to go for sound advice and act on that advice as soon as possible.
The longer you put it off, the harder your problems will be to solve.
If you have any friends who’ve managed to dodge an impending divorce, ask them how they did it. Don’t just think about friends your age, either. Older couples can be a goldmine of advice on working through marriage troubles.
Even if they seem to have a perfect relationship now, you might be surprised to hear what they’ve gone through. Of course, the problem with asking friends for advice is their experience is limited to what worked for them. What worked for them won’t necessarily work for you, though.
Online Forums
The Internet is great place to find information on just about everything and marriage is no exception. The advantage of getting advice from forums is that you can ask questions anonymously and get opinions from a variety of people who’ll most likely have very different view points from you. The drawback is that you won’t get a truly useful response from one “help me save my marriage” post. The lack of real-time interaction means you don’t get the back-and-forth dialogue you’d need to really get to the root of your problems and find a workable solution.
Marriage counseling!
It’s one of the first thing well meaning friends ask when you admit your marriage is on the rocks: “Have you thought of counseling?” There’s good reason for that. A professional marriage counselor has training in resolving marital conflicts and many years of experience working with different types of couples and problems.
The trouble you usually run into here is that one spouse doesn’t want to go. Usually, that partner believes the marriage has already flat-lined and any attempt to revive it is a waste of time and energy. If you’re partner feels that way, don’t give up just yet. While you want to avoid pressuring or begging, simple logic can work wonders.
Counseling can help, of course, but it’s not a cure-all. Did you know the average marriage councilors’ success rate is only around 30%? That’s hardly enough to make it worth shouting “Help me save my marriage!” at the counselor.
Self-help books!
If you’ve been looking online for tips, you’ve probably run into a few of those ebooks that provide guidance for working through a rough patch in a marriage even when one partner is ready to call it quits. They may not seem like much, but in reality, the best of these can be surprisingly effective.
Most of these plans were developed by highly experienced marriage counselors who found a “formula” for what works, so they usually have a success rate higher than that of most marriage counselors.
For a great online source to save your marriage-Click Here Now!
Whatever you do, don’t delude yourself into thinking the problems between you and your spouse will disappear of their own accord. It’s not enough to sit and wonder “Who can help me save my marriage?” You need to decide where you’re going to go for sound advice and act on that advice as soon as possible.
The longer you put it off, the harder your problems will be to solve.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Relationship Couples
I'm not that old, so I don't know for sure, but it seems like these days we make everything so much more complicated than it needs to be. That is especially true when it comes to relationship couples seem to find it so hard to figure out the problem and many times the problem is a small and simple thing.
One analogy I often use is that of a stone wall. Think of your relationship. Every time you do or say something that hurts or annoys your partner, it's like adding another stone to the wall. A couple stones here and a few stones there don't matter all that much, you can still easily step over the wall to be close to your partner.
And, if you apologize, and make permanent changes, to the behaviors that caused your partner pain or annoyance, you can even remove a stone sometimes.
But if you do like most couples do, and you continue to add stones after stones after stones, and you don't remove any, you will find it virtually impossible to connect with your partner. By that point it will be very difficult and maybe even impossible to tear down the wall and have a meaningful relationship with your partner.
The trick is to make sure your wall never gets too high. How? Easy, talk. Just talk, don't yell, don't shout, don't
It's very important each person in the relationship remembers that the other person has feelings too. When you are hurt and upset it's very easy to make everything all about 'you'. That won't work.
If you take the time to realize that your partner has their point of view and remember, this has absolutely nothing to do with right and wrong, it's simply about recognizing that each person has their own view of what has happened and you need to let them express that view without getting defensive or upset, you might actually find that you are on the same page...just a different sentence!
I've had that very same experience. My spouse and I had very heated discussions but once we calmed down and actually talked, and listened, we realized though we were saying it in different ways we were both saying basically the same thing!
Once you come to that place it will help you take a stone out of your wall and it can also help you in the future if you can remember that you and your partner probably aren't all that far off from each other, you're just expressing yourselves differently.
For the most part no matter what your age, gender, religious, or sexual preferences, everyone wants to feel love, respected, appreciated, and understood. You want that and so does your partner, when it comes to relationship couples will be much better off if they never lose sight of that. If you try to deal with your partner with those things in mind, and they do the same for you, your relationship will be much smoother, and there will be a lot fewer stones in your wall.
One analogy I often use is that of a stone wall. Think of your relationship. Every time you do or say something that hurts or annoys your partner, it's like adding another stone to the wall. A couple stones here and a few stones there don't matter all that much, you can still easily step over the wall to be close to your partner.
And, if you apologize, and make permanent changes, to the behaviors that caused your partner pain or annoyance, you can even remove a stone sometimes.
But if you do like most couples do, and you continue to add stones after stones after stones, and you don't remove any, you will find it virtually impossible to connect with your partner. By that point it will be very difficult and maybe even impossible to tear down the wall and have a meaningful relationship with your partner.
The trick is to make sure your wall never gets too high. How? Easy, talk. Just talk, don't yell, don't shout, don't
It's very important each person in the relationship remembers that the other person has feelings too. When you are hurt and upset it's very easy to make everything all about 'you'. That won't work.
If you take the time to realize that your partner has their point of view and remember, this has absolutely nothing to do with right and wrong, it's simply about recognizing that each person has their own view of what has happened and you need to let them express that view without getting defensive or upset, you might actually find that you are on the same page...just a different sentence!
I've had that very same experience. My spouse and I had very heated discussions but once we calmed down and actually talked, and listened, we realized though we were saying it in different ways we were both saying basically the same thing!
Once you come to that place it will help you take a stone out of your wall and it can also help you in the future if you can remember that you and your partner probably aren't all that far off from each other, you're just expressing yourselves differently.
For the most part no matter what your age, gender, religious, or sexual preferences, everyone wants to feel love, respected, appreciated, and understood. You want that and so does your partner, when it comes to relationship couples will be much better off if they never lose sight of that. If you try to deal with your partner with those things in mind, and they do the same for you, your relationship will be much smoother, and there will be a lot fewer stones in your wall.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Tips on how to Get Over a Breakup
Love or lust?
Are you sure that you and your partner have been sharing an authentic romantic relationship? Sometimes, a relationship is based more on lust than true love. In this case, it may still hurt a little bit when it's over, but it's much easier to get over the breakup. If it was true love, then the tips that follow should answer your question of “how to get over a breakup?”
It's never pleasant to be in love with another person, only for them to tell you they don't feel the same about you anymore. It's hard when this happens. It's hard to let go of the relationship. When dealing with the subject of how to get over a break up, the first thing you have to do is to switch your way of thinking.
Instead of thinking of your past relationship; learn how to get over a breakup by distracting yourself and shifting your thoughts to some other things. Focusing on your work (but don’t get overwhelmed) may help. If you don't want to throw yourself into your work, then it's time for you to take up a new activity or hobby. Spend some time with friends you haven't been able to hang out with in a long time. Start going to new places, that you may have wanted to go to, but never had the time or the chance to go to.
If you keep an active lifestyle you will be able to forget your ex for a while (and then you will be able to forget them totally). As you allow yourself to be in the company of others and do other activities, you will help yourself heal faster.
Another tip on how to get over a breakup is to talk to someone who you completely trust. You'll be able to talk about all your feelings and emotions with them. Sometimes it helps to just talk and let the bottled up feelings come out. It's better to let your sadness, bitterness, and/or anger come out; instead of bottling it up and letting them eat you up inside. By talking it out with someone you trust, you'll be able to “detoxify” your emotions.
While it's okay to take some time to recoup from a breakup, don't let it ruin your life. It's important that you don't just lie around the house and don't do anything. Use your family and friends as support. Don't beat yourself up mentally over the breakup. The longer you dwell on the relationship and what went wrong, the harder it will be for you to recover and move on.
The best advice on how to get over a breakup, is to make sure you take care of yourself. It may be hard to do, but you have to ensure you're eating properly and you're getting enough rest. Exercise is also a great way to help get rid of some of your negative feelings and will help you feel better faster. If you don't eat properly or get enough rest, you'll feel worse than you already do. After a break up it's hard enough to think clearly, let alone when you are not providing your body with proper sleep and nutrition.
Are you sure that you and your partner have been sharing an authentic romantic relationship? Sometimes, a relationship is based more on lust than true love. In this case, it may still hurt a little bit when it's over, but it's much easier to get over the breakup. If it was true love, then the tips that follow should answer your question of “how to get over a breakup?”
It's never pleasant to be in love with another person, only for them to tell you they don't feel the same about you anymore. It's hard when this happens. It's hard to let go of the relationship. When dealing with the subject of how to get over a break up, the first thing you have to do is to switch your way of thinking.
Instead of thinking of your past relationship; learn how to get over a breakup by distracting yourself and shifting your thoughts to some other things. Focusing on your work (but don’t get overwhelmed) may help. If you don't want to throw yourself into your work, then it's time for you to take up a new activity or hobby. Spend some time with friends you haven't been able to hang out with in a long time. Start going to new places, that you may have wanted to go to, but never had the time or the chance to go to.
If you keep an active lifestyle you will be able to forget your ex for a while (and then you will be able to forget them totally). As you allow yourself to be in the company of others and do other activities, you will help yourself heal faster.
Another tip on how to get over a breakup is to talk to someone who you completely trust. You'll be able to talk about all your feelings and emotions with them. Sometimes it helps to just talk and let the bottled up feelings come out. It's better to let your sadness, bitterness, and/or anger come out; instead of bottling it up and letting them eat you up inside. By talking it out with someone you trust, you'll be able to “detoxify” your emotions.
While it's okay to take some time to recoup from a breakup, don't let it ruin your life. It's important that you don't just lie around the house and don't do anything. Use your family and friends as support. Don't beat yourself up mentally over the breakup. The longer you dwell on the relationship and what went wrong, the harder it will be for you to recover and move on.
The best advice on how to get over a breakup, is to make sure you take care of yourself. It may be hard to do, but you have to ensure you're eating properly and you're getting enough rest. Exercise is also a great way to help get rid of some of your negative feelings and will help you feel better faster. If you don't eat properly or get enough rest, you'll feel worse than you already do. After a break up it's hard enough to think clearly, let alone when you are not providing your body with proper sleep and nutrition.
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