Think you don’t stand much chance of getting your ex girlfriend back without begging or apologizing for things you didn’t even do? If so, you’ve fallen into the same trap I did after my girlfriend walked out. Don’t feel bad; most guys react the same way in this situation. Nine chances out of ten, you’re doing the exact opposite of what you should be and it’s only making your ex glad she left.
Here’s what you should be doing instead:
Stay calm!
You had a fight, you yelled at each other, she told you she never wants to see your face again and walked out. Once you start to really feel you’ve lost her, panic sets in. You end up calling her every day, sending one email after another, and basically turn into a stalker before you realize it.
No woman in her right mind is going to go back to a guy who’s hunting her. Take a few days to collect your thoughts and then try a few times to contact her. If she doesn’t respond, move on to the next step, which is…
Talk to her friends! Not what you wanted to hear, I bet. Yeah, trying to impress her friends was hard enough when you were going out, but now that she’s spent hours telling them what a jerk you are, how are you supposed to approach them?
Unfortunately, though, when it comes to getting your girlfriend back, these are exactly the people you need to be talking to because they have the most power to sway your ex. If you can explain your side of the story and at least get a little sympathy, the next time she mentions you, they’re at least going to put in a good word for you.
Stay attractive!
Let’s face it, a lot us—both men and women—have a tendency to let ourselves go when we’re feeling depressed. Maybe you wear the same shirt for three days in a row or put off getting a hair cut for a little too long. This is exactly what you shouldn’t be doing. I know it’s hard, but you no matter how bad you feel, take care of yourself. Eat right, get enough sleep, and don’t skimp on personal hygiene. Not only will you feel better, you’re ex girlfriend will see you as someone worth being with.
Be open!
Once you get a chance to talk to her, you have to know what to say. Part of that means explaining what you were thinking when you had the fight that almost ended the relationship.
This is a hard one, I know. If I had my choice, no body would ever know I ever had a single problem in my life. In reality, though, you’ll be better off admitting that you were stressed out from work, family problems, or whatever than trying to cover anything up.
Getting your ex girlfriend back doesn’t have to be hard if you keep your self respect and tackle the problem head on. Stay calm and be honest about what caused the split and you’ll be well on your way to reconciling with your lady.
For more on getting you ex back- Click Here!
Articles and Advice on Getting Back Together. In particular we examine and promote The Ex Back System.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Can I Get My Ex Back If
“Can I get my ex back if . . . ?”
Whether the break up is very recent or it happened a long time ago, you probably ask yourself that question a lot. Sometimes you have to recognize that it’s simply time to move on. But if you’re determined get your ex back, there are some things you can do.
Can I get my ex back if I play hard to get?
And there are some things you should probably not do, like pretend you really don’t want your ex. Playing hard to get is a popular ploy, but very often it only discourages the person who wants you from trying to get you. If you play hard to get with your ex, it might just be easier for them to let you go and move on to someone who’s easier to catch!
Let your ex know that you’re available and ready to fix the relationship. Let your ex know that you’re willing to do what it takes to make it work this time. That approach will probably give you a better chance of getting back together than playing hard to get and playing games.
Can I get my ex back if I try to pressure him or her?
Trying to get someone to do something they don’t want to is a sure way to upset them. Whether you’re trying to get someone to do a chore or to remember to pick something up after work, too much reminding can become nagging.
Pressuring your ex to take you back will quickly sound like nagging, too. Your ex might decide that since you do little but complain and nag about the break up, it’s easier not to be around you. So you might drive your ex farther away by trying too hard to fix things.
Try the opposite approach.
Stop asking your ex to come back. Once you’ve made it clear that you want to get back together, they know it. Let it go and focus on being a good friend to your ex, with no expectations.
This might be difficult, especially at first, but if your ex sees that you’re really a pleasant person to be around and not a nag, they’ll want to spend more time around you. And that could lead to you making up and getting back together. At least, you have a better chance at it than if your ex dreads seeing you and hearing you harp on them about coming back.
Can I get my ex back if I make them jealous?
You know your ex best. If jealousy worked in the past, it might again. But it might make them so jealous they become angry and decide that since you’ve moved on, so will they.
Can I get my ex back if they’re dating someone else?
It’s possible, but it’s the most difficult situation. Concentrate on being fun and enjoyable to be around, and give them a chance to miss your good qualities. Then see what happens.
For some concrete ways and plans to get your ex back-Click Here!
Whether the break up is very recent or it happened a long time ago, you probably ask yourself that question a lot. Sometimes you have to recognize that it’s simply time to move on. But if you’re determined get your ex back, there are some things you can do.
Can I get my ex back if I play hard to get?
And there are some things you should probably not do, like pretend you really don’t want your ex. Playing hard to get is a popular ploy, but very often it only discourages the person who wants you from trying to get you. If you play hard to get with your ex, it might just be easier for them to let you go and move on to someone who’s easier to catch!
Let your ex know that you’re available and ready to fix the relationship. Let your ex know that you’re willing to do what it takes to make it work this time. That approach will probably give you a better chance of getting back together than playing hard to get and playing games.
Can I get my ex back if I try to pressure him or her?
Trying to get someone to do something they don’t want to is a sure way to upset them. Whether you’re trying to get someone to do a chore or to remember to pick something up after work, too much reminding can become nagging.
Pressuring your ex to take you back will quickly sound like nagging, too. Your ex might decide that since you do little but complain and nag about the break up, it’s easier not to be around you. So you might drive your ex farther away by trying too hard to fix things.
Try the opposite approach.
Stop asking your ex to come back. Once you’ve made it clear that you want to get back together, they know it. Let it go and focus on being a good friend to your ex, with no expectations.
This might be difficult, especially at first, but if your ex sees that you’re really a pleasant person to be around and not a nag, they’ll want to spend more time around you. And that could lead to you making up and getting back together. At least, you have a better chance at it than if your ex dreads seeing you and hearing you harp on them about coming back.
Can I get my ex back if I make them jealous?
You know your ex best. If jealousy worked in the past, it might again. But it might make them so jealous they become angry and decide that since you’ve moved on, so will they.
Can I get my ex back if they’re dating someone else?
It’s possible, but it’s the most difficult situation. Concentrate on being fun and enjoyable to be around, and give them a chance to miss your good qualities. Then see what happens.
For some concrete ways and plans to get your ex back-Click Here!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Don't Let It End Stop My Divorce
If you are going through that terrible time when your love feels like it is coming to an end and you find yourself pleading, "Someone, please stop my divorce!" you aren't alone. There are many who have gone through it and saved their marriage and plenty who didn't but found themselves happy again afterward. There are things that you can do to help stop a divorce or correct problems before they get to that point.
First realize, though, that as much as you may want to save your relationship you may not be able to. Make sure that you prepare yourself mentally for any possible outcome. This isn't thinking pessimistically, it is being realistic which is what you need to be.
Make use of family therapy or seek out marriage counselors. They have been well trained and have lots of experience helping people go through these times. Even if there is adultery involved, they will be able to help. Many marriages have been brought back from the edge because of counseling and therapy. They are accustomed to dealing with infidelity between spouses, depression, or any other things that stress a relationship to the point of divorce. Marriage counseling doesn't have to be expensive, there are plenty of good choices for you to use to get good relationship advice before you see a divorce lawyer.
One thing that you can learn not to do that may help stop your divorce before you ever get an attorney involved is don't argue. Arguing will only make the situation worse. You can try calling it reasoning or what ever but the truth is you are trying to force them to feel differently than they do. If you are serious and you want to "stop my divorce" then realize that your battle is against your separation, not your spouse. The more you argue with them and try to point out where they are wrong the more they will be wrong in your mind.
Don't try to defend yourself. You may be right, but don't try to convince them of that. Find the truth in their argument and agree with that. The more you can agree with the things they say, the more they will be right. This will only make them see that you are willing to do what you want them to do, see your side of the story. If you are willing to be honest and accept what they are trying to say then they will more likely be open to listening to your side. Marriage counseling is great at helping you understand how to communicate better if you really want to "stop my divorce."
This is only one part of the things that you can do to help when you are wanting someone to help you "stop my divorce". Quit talking about it and start acting on it. Your marriage will only have a chance to survive if you are willing to act.
To learn some concrete ways to Stop your divorce- Click Here!
First realize, though, that as much as you may want to save your relationship you may not be able to. Make sure that you prepare yourself mentally for any possible outcome. This isn't thinking pessimistically, it is being realistic which is what you need to be.
Make use of family therapy or seek out marriage counselors. They have been well trained and have lots of experience helping people go through these times. Even if there is adultery involved, they will be able to help. Many marriages have been brought back from the edge because of counseling and therapy. They are accustomed to dealing with infidelity between spouses, depression, or any other things that stress a relationship to the point of divorce. Marriage counseling doesn't have to be expensive, there are plenty of good choices for you to use to get good relationship advice before you see a divorce lawyer.
One thing that you can learn not to do that may help stop your divorce before you ever get an attorney involved is don't argue. Arguing will only make the situation worse. You can try calling it reasoning or what ever but the truth is you are trying to force them to feel differently than they do. If you are serious and you want to "stop my divorce" then realize that your battle is against your separation, not your spouse. The more you argue with them and try to point out where they are wrong the more they will be wrong in your mind.
Don't try to defend yourself. You may be right, but don't try to convince them of that. Find the truth in their argument and agree with that. The more you can agree with the things they say, the more they will be right. This will only make them see that you are willing to do what you want them to do, see your side of the story. If you are willing to be honest and accept what they are trying to say then they will more likely be open to listening to your side. Marriage counseling is great at helping you understand how to communicate better if you really want to "stop my divorce."
This is only one part of the things that you can do to help when you are wanting someone to help you "stop my divorce". Quit talking about it and start acting on it. Your marriage will only have a chance to survive if you are willing to act.
To learn some concrete ways to Stop your divorce- Click Here!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Relationship Advice For Men Who Want To Keep Their Girlfriends
Okay, so your girlfriend probably won’t walk out on you because you left your socks on the floor, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t still a few critical factors that, if ignored, could have her heading for the door. Even if you think you know what makes your girlfriend tick, you may be surprised at some of the things you’ve been overlooking.
Express your love!
I know what you’re thinking: “But I do show my love! I bought her a…” Stop right there. Unfortunately, material gifts and even the amount of time and energy you spend helping go right over some women’s heads. Many women don’t truly feel loved unless they hear the “I love you” fairly frequently.
No, your girlfriend hasn’t forgotten all the nice things you’ve done; she just thinks maybe your feelings have changed since then. Yeah, that’s right: since yesterday. See, the thing is women continually re-assess their relationships. Men tend to get comfortable and assume if there are no fights, then everything’s dandy. That’s exactly how so many guys get blindsided by break ups introduced with “Honey, we need to talk.”
So go ahead and tell her in so many words that you love her. If you have a hard time saying it, write a little note and slip it in her wallet or stick it on the bathroom mirror. If that’s still a little to awkward for you, make a point of thanking her for something routine like making dinner or acknowledging something she’s done well.
Imagine starting an important conversation with your girlfriend or wife only to notice her staring into space as you talk. Wouldn’t you feel a little rejected? This is the same situation a lot of women face with their boyfriends or husbands, who often don’t even notice they’re spacing out. When you’re girlfriend talks, try to put aside what your doing and really listen.
That doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to have some quiet time to yourself, though. Whether you’re trying to finish a report for work the next day or just want to watch the game, if you gently explain that you’d rather have the chat at a later time, a real lady will give you your space.
Use honesty wisely!
As much as we may want to believe honesty is the best policy, anyone with a little life experience will tell you it isn’t always. While outright lies are a no-no, a little tact and diplomacy can go a long way towards keeping peace in the house.
What that means is the correct answer to “Do I look fat in this?” is not “No, you look 10 pounds lighter,” but something like “Can’t say. You look good to me no matter what you wear.” Sound corny? Try it sometime and I bet you’ll like the result.
Being tactful doesn’t mean you should keep quite about things that really bother you, though. It’s better to bring problems to light in than let your resentment simmer and risk blowing up at her one day.
When both partners are willing have a little patience and keep an open mind, love relationships don’t have to been filled with frustration and drama. Get some good relationship advice for men, from the right source and your relationships should be smooth sailing from here on out.
Express your love!
I know what you’re thinking: “But I do show my love! I bought her a…” Stop right there. Unfortunately, material gifts and even the amount of time and energy you spend helping go right over some women’s heads. Many women don’t truly feel loved unless they hear the “I love you” fairly frequently.
No, your girlfriend hasn’t forgotten all the nice things you’ve done; she just thinks maybe your feelings have changed since then. Yeah, that’s right: since yesterday. See, the thing is women continually re-assess their relationships. Men tend to get comfortable and assume if there are no fights, then everything’s dandy. That’s exactly how so many guys get blindsided by break ups introduced with “Honey, we need to talk.”
So go ahead and tell her in so many words that you love her. If you have a hard time saying it, write a little note and slip it in her wallet or stick it on the bathroom mirror. If that’s still a little to awkward for you, make a point of thanking her for something routine like making dinner or acknowledging something she’s done well.
Imagine starting an important conversation with your girlfriend or wife only to notice her staring into space as you talk. Wouldn’t you feel a little rejected? This is the same situation a lot of women face with their boyfriends or husbands, who often don’t even notice they’re spacing out. When you’re girlfriend talks, try to put aside what your doing and really listen.
That doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to have some quiet time to yourself, though. Whether you’re trying to finish a report for work the next day or just want to watch the game, if you gently explain that you’d rather have the chat at a later time, a real lady will give you your space.
Use honesty wisely!
As much as we may want to believe honesty is the best policy, anyone with a little life experience will tell you it isn’t always. While outright lies are a no-no, a little tact and diplomacy can go a long way towards keeping peace in the house.
What that means is the correct answer to “Do I look fat in this?” is not “No, you look 10 pounds lighter,” but something like “Can’t say. You look good to me no matter what you wear.” Sound corny? Try it sometime and I bet you’ll like the result.
Being tactful doesn’t mean you should keep quite about things that really bother you, though. It’s better to bring problems to light in than let your resentment simmer and risk blowing up at her one day.
When both partners are willing have a little patience and keep an open mind, love relationships don’t have to been filled with frustration and drama. Get some good relationship advice for men, from the right source and your relationships should be smooth sailing from here on out.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Use Break Up Quotes To Help You Heal
Love conquers all. However, not all kinds of love endure for a lifetime. Love for your neighbors can sometimes be an impossibility. Romantic love, on the other hand, is the most exciting love that a person can feel. It can change the whole word of the two people in love with each other as they enter into a relationship. Unfortunately, this kind of love is the one that has the highest possibility of vanishing, and can be the most painful when it does disappear.
If your relationship has taken a turn for the worse and has ended, then perhaps comforting words will help you. One good way to get over your breakup is to read some breakup quotes. These quotes may help heal your heart that has been shattered from your breakup. Breakup quotes can be a great source of healing, and can help you to move on.
Here are some breakup quotes and analysis of the quotes.
"Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."
It is normal to feel a pang of pain after a breakup. Pain is a feeling that comes involuntarily and you can't do anything to stop it. However, just like any other feeling, including love, pain also comes and goes as time moves on. Just because you're in pain, doesn't mean you have to suffer. If you insist on holding onto your suffering and don't let it go, you are throwing your life away.
"Don’t cry because it's over, smile because it happened."
There is a reason for sure why the relationship is now over. Perhaps the guy is a jerk. Maybe the girl put her own needs over his. Or maybe, one person found out that the other was cheating and kept on giving lousy promises. Breakup quotes, like the one above, demonstrate why it is important to not dwell on the negativity of the past. The important thing to remember is that you were capable of falling in love. You shared some good times. However, for whatever reason, it's over now. There's no reason why you can't find someone else to fall in love with and share new good times with.
"Nothing hurts more than realizing they meant everything to you, but you meant nothing to them."
Breakup quotes like this one, are handy because most of the time in relationships; one person always cares more about the other person. If you put your everything into the relationship but got very little out of it, and they wind up breaking up with you, don't be sad. Think about the above quote.
While this kind of truth hurts the most; would you really want to spend one more second in a relationship with someone who doesn't care about you the way you care about them? If someone broke up with you who didn't care as much for you as you did them, it may be painful, but think of it more as they did you a favor. Now you'll have the chance to find someone who will treat you the way you deserve to be treated and reciprocate the effort and love you put into a relationship.
When looking for breakup quotes, it's important to find ones that will help you to feel better and allow you to move on. Don't dwell on breakup quotes that only make you sad. When you find breakup quotes that help you feel better, you should print them out and hang them up in places where you will see them regularly.
That way when you start to feel sad or down about your breakup, you'll be able to look at your breakup quotes and be able to reflect on them and they will help you feel better.
If your relationship has taken a turn for the worse and has ended, then perhaps comforting words will help you. One good way to get over your breakup is to read some breakup quotes. These quotes may help heal your heart that has been shattered from your breakup. Breakup quotes can be a great source of healing, and can help you to move on.
Here are some breakup quotes and analysis of the quotes.
"Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."
It is normal to feel a pang of pain after a breakup. Pain is a feeling that comes involuntarily and you can't do anything to stop it. However, just like any other feeling, including love, pain also comes and goes as time moves on. Just because you're in pain, doesn't mean you have to suffer. If you insist on holding onto your suffering and don't let it go, you are throwing your life away.
"Don’t cry because it's over, smile because it happened."
There is a reason for sure why the relationship is now over. Perhaps the guy is a jerk. Maybe the girl put her own needs over his. Or maybe, one person found out that the other was cheating and kept on giving lousy promises. Breakup quotes, like the one above, demonstrate why it is important to not dwell on the negativity of the past. The important thing to remember is that you were capable of falling in love. You shared some good times. However, for whatever reason, it's over now. There's no reason why you can't find someone else to fall in love with and share new good times with.
"Nothing hurts more than realizing they meant everything to you, but you meant nothing to them."
Breakup quotes like this one, are handy because most of the time in relationships; one person always cares more about the other person. If you put your everything into the relationship but got very little out of it, and they wind up breaking up with you, don't be sad. Think about the above quote.
While this kind of truth hurts the most; would you really want to spend one more second in a relationship with someone who doesn't care about you the way you care about them? If someone broke up with you who didn't care as much for you as you did them, it may be painful, but think of it more as they did you a favor. Now you'll have the chance to find someone who will treat you the way you deserve to be treated and reciprocate the effort and love you put into a relationship.
When looking for breakup quotes, it's important to find ones that will help you to feel better and allow you to move on. Don't dwell on breakup quotes that only make you sad. When you find breakup quotes that help you feel better, you should print them out and hang them up in places where you will see them regularly.
That way when you start to feel sad or down about your breakup, you'll be able to look at your breakup quotes and be able to reflect on them and they will help you feel better.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Who Can Help Me Save My Marriage
Feel like you’ve exhausted every option you could think up on your own and you just want to storm into some marriage counselors’ office as shout, “Help me save my marriage? Please!” Except for the shouting part, you’re actually on the right track looking for advice from some place other than your own head.
If you have any friends who’ve managed to dodge an impending divorce, ask them how they did it. Don’t just think about friends your age, either. Older couples can be a goldmine of advice on working through marriage troubles.
Even if they seem to have a perfect relationship now, you might be surprised to hear what they’ve gone through. Of course, the problem with asking friends for advice is their experience is limited to what worked for them. What worked for them won’t necessarily work for you, though.
Online Forums
The Internet is great place to find information on just about everything and marriage is no exception. The advantage of getting advice from forums is that you can ask questions anonymously and get opinions from a variety of people who’ll most likely have very different view points from you. The drawback is that you won’t get a truly useful response from one “help me save my marriage” post. The lack of real-time interaction means you don’t get the back-and-forth dialogue you’d need to really get to the root of your problems and find a workable solution.
Marriage counseling!
It’s one of the first thing well meaning friends ask when you admit your marriage is on the rocks: “Have you thought of counseling?” There’s good reason for that. A professional marriage counselor has training in resolving marital conflicts and many years of experience working with different types of couples and problems.
The trouble you usually run into here is that one spouse doesn’t want to go. Usually, that partner believes the marriage has already flat-lined and any attempt to revive it is a waste of time and energy. If you’re partner feels that way, don’t give up just yet. While you want to avoid pressuring or begging, simple logic can work wonders.
Counseling can help, of course, but it’s not a cure-all. Did you know the average marriage councilors’ success rate is only around 30%? That’s hardly enough to make it worth shouting “Help me save my marriage!” at the counselor.
Self-help books!
If you’ve been looking online for tips, you’ve probably run into a few of those ebooks that provide guidance for working through a rough patch in a marriage even when one partner is ready to call it quits. They may not seem like much, but in reality, the best of these can be surprisingly effective.
Most of these plans were developed by highly experienced marriage counselors who found a “formula” for what works, so they usually have a success rate higher than that of most marriage counselors.
For a plan to save your marriage-Click Here Now!
Whatever you do, don’t delude yourself into thinking the problems between you and your spouse will disappear of their own accord. It’s not enough to sit and wonder “Who can help me save my marriage?” You need to decide where you’re going to go for sound advice and act on that advice as soon as possible. The longer you put it off, the harder your problems will be to solve.
If you have any friends who’ve managed to dodge an impending divorce, ask them how they did it. Don’t just think about friends your age, either. Older couples can be a goldmine of advice on working through marriage troubles.
Even if they seem to have a perfect relationship now, you might be surprised to hear what they’ve gone through. Of course, the problem with asking friends for advice is their experience is limited to what worked for them. What worked for them won’t necessarily work for you, though.
Online Forums
The Internet is great place to find information on just about everything and marriage is no exception. The advantage of getting advice from forums is that you can ask questions anonymously and get opinions from a variety of people who’ll most likely have very different view points from you. The drawback is that you won’t get a truly useful response from one “help me save my marriage” post. The lack of real-time interaction means you don’t get the back-and-forth dialogue you’d need to really get to the root of your problems and find a workable solution.
Marriage counseling!
It’s one of the first thing well meaning friends ask when you admit your marriage is on the rocks: “Have you thought of counseling?” There’s good reason for that. A professional marriage counselor has training in resolving marital conflicts and many years of experience working with different types of couples and problems.
The trouble you usually run into here is that one spouse doesn’t want to go. Usually, that partner believes the marriage has already flat-lined and any attempt to revive it is a waste of time and energy. If you’re partner feels that way, don’t give up just yet. While you want to avoid pressuring or begging, simple logic can work wonders.
Counseling can help, of course, but it’s not a cure-all. Did you know the average marriage councilors’ success rate is only around 30%? That’s hardly enough to make it worth shouting “Help me save my marriage!” at the counselor.
Self-help books!
If you’ve been looking online for tips, you’ve probably run into a few of those ebooks that provide guidance for working through a rough patch in a marriage even when one partner is ready to call it quits. They may not seem like much, but in reality, the best of these can be surprisingly effective.
Most of these plans were developed by highly experienced marriage counselors who found a “formula” for what works, so they usually have a success rate higher than that of most marriage counselors.
For a plan to save your marriage-Click Here Now!
Whatever you do, don’t delude yourself into thinking the problems between you and your spouse will disappear of their own accord. It’s not enough to sit and wonder “Who can help me save my marriage?” You need to decide where you’re going to go for sound advice and act on that advice as soon as possible. The longer you put it off, the harder your problems will be to solve.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
The Top Five Characteristics Of A Healthy Relationship
If you haven’t had much chance to see how healthy, loving relationships work on a daily basis, taking some time to really study the characteristics of healthy relationships can give you a much better chance of having one yourself. There are lots of different styles of relationships that can work just fine, but all those successful relationship styles tend to have a few things in common.
Respect is the one of the main characteristics of a healthy relationship, whether it’s friendship, dating, or marriage. A partner who respects you is willing to listen to you in a non-judgmental way and considers your interests when making any mutual decisions. Any partner who disrespects you by making belittling comments about you, criticizing you in front of others, or disregarding your feelings is one you don’t need.
After respect, support comes in next as a critical characteristic of a healthy relationship. You and your partner should be encouraging each other to go after important goals and dreams and giving each other enough freedom to do so. When times get hard, you back each other up instead up tearing each other down.
That doesn’t mean you can expect support for everything you do, though. If your partner is nagging you to quit smoking, eat better, or not stay at the office until 11 o’clock every night, they’re probably doing it out of concern for your well being.
In a strong, healthy relationship, neither of you should become suspicious or jealous without clear cause. If you have a niggling feeling that you can’t trust your significant other, your relationship will go downhill fast.
That sense of trust doesn’t develop overnight, though. It comes from each partner keeping their promises and sticking to the implicit rules of the relationship (no sleeping around, no lying about major issues, etc.) consistently over a period of time.
No manipulative behavior!
Negotiating is one thing, using threats, guilt, and lies to manipulate a partner into doing something is another. No one should have to put up with being bullied this way. If your partner threatens to leave you, withhold physical affection, or in some other way “punish” you during every little disagreement, you may want to reconsider the relationship.
Economic equality!
This is one of the less obvious ones, but it’s just as important as the others. Some people, maybe due to an underlying fear of not being able to support themselves, tend to get into relationships where they’re financially dependent on their partner.
At first, the idea of having someone support you might sound nice, but what happens if things turn sour? If you don’t have the financial wherewithal to leave the relationship when you want, you could find yourself at the mercy of someone who doesn’t have your best interests at heart. Never let your partner use money to control you.
There are dozens of characteristics of a healthy relationship, but these are some of the most important ones. Remember, though, it’s a two way street. You may be doing everything “right,” but if your partner is disrespectful, unsupportive, or manipulative, you can’t call it a healthy relationship.
Respect is the one of the main characteristics of a healthy relationship, whether it’s friendship, dating, or marriage. A partner who respects you is willing to listen to you in a non-judgmental way and considers your interests when making any mutual decisions. Any partner who disrespects you by making belittling comments about you, criticizing you in front of others, or disregarding your feelings is one you don’t need.
After respect, support comes in next as a critical characteristic of a healthy relationship. You and your partner should be encouraging each other to go after important goals and dreams and giving each other enough freedom to do so. When times get hard, you back each other up instead up tearing each other down.
That doesn’t mean you can expect support for everything you do, though. If your partner is nagging you to quit smoking, eat better, or not stay at the office until 11 o’clock every night, they’re probably doing it out of concern for your well being.
In a strong, healthy relationship, neither of you should become suspicious or jealous without clear cause. If you have a niggling feeling that you can’t trust your significant other, your relationship will go downhill fast.
That sense of trust doesn’t develop overnight, though. It comes from each partner keeping their promises and sticking to the implicit rules of the relationship (no sleeping around, no lying about major issues, etc.) consistently over a period of time.
No manipulative behavior!
Negotiating is one thing, using threats, guilt, and lies to manipulate a partner into doing something is another. No one should have to put up with being bullied this way. If your partner threatens to leave you, withhold physical affection, or in some other way “punish” you during every little disagreement, you may want to reconsider the relationship.
Economic equality!
This is one of the less obvious ones, but it’s just as important as the others. Some people, maybe due to an underlying fear of not being able to support themselves, tend to get into relationships where they’re financially dependent on their partner.
At first, the idea of having someone support you might sound nice, but what happens if things turn sour? If you don’t have the financial wherewithal to leave the relationship when you want, you could find yourself at the mercy of someone who doesn’t have your best interests at heart. Never let your partner use money to control you.
There are dozens of characteristics of a healthy relationship, but these are some of the most important ones. Remember, though, it’s a two way street. You may be doing everything “right,” but if your partner is disrespectful, unsupportive, or manipulative, you can’t call it a healthy relationship.
10 Ways To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Fast
Some romantic break ups just aren't meant to be, and are worth trying to repair. Are you trying to get your ex husband or ex-boyfriend back? The first thing that you need to do, is to determine whether or not this is actually what you want to accomplish. Once you have made up your mind and have decided that you want to get your former boyfriend or spouse back, then some of the following, ten ways to get your ex boyfriend back, may be able to help.
1 - Take the time to figure out why the breakup occurred. Is there something that you can change? Sometimes people get comfortable in their relationships and let themselves go, and all it takes to repair this problem is to discover what it is and make a change.
2 - Never personally tell him that you want him back. The odds are, he is missing you too. Play a little bit hard to get and let him remember why he misses you and wants you back. Whatever you do don't overplay this card, as it could have disastrous consequences for you.
3 - Take a look at how you present yourself. Do you make an effort to dress up for your ex boyfriend, or are you too comfortable around him for that now? If you used to dress more nicely and perhaps more provocative, consider going back to that. If you dress to impress, he may find himself wanting you back.
4 - Get a little closer to his male friends to stir up a bit of jealousy. Some times all that it takes is to remind him how much he wants you back by making him a little jealous. However, a word of caution when using this tactic; it could possibly backfire on you.
5 - Think about how you talk to him, in comparison to how you used to talk to him. Talk to him the same way that you want to be spoken to if you want to reignite a romantic feeling between the two of you. Bring back the "sweet terms of endearment" you guys used when you first fell in love with each other.
6 - Ask him out after you have formed a game plan, and show him that you can still have fun together with one another. Don't worry about complicating things by working out the issues now, just show him that you guys can still have fun and watch things reignite accordingly.
7 - Force yourself to be laid back and even confident when you are around him. Do not stress yourself out worrying about talking things through with him. Most guys prefer girls that know what is best for them.
8 - Don't focus on him too hard. Don't outright ignore your ex boyfriend, but take some of your focus away from him and let him wonder about it. Tell him you're busy or just have a lot going on, rather than making it about him. Let him sit and stew, and he may end up being the one rekindling things! Once again don't overdo it.
9 - Act like you know he cares about you, but that you're not all together affected by it. The moment he realizes you're getting over him, he may be much more willing to do the chasing. Let him remember how important you are and see what happens.
10 - Show him that you can have plenty of fun without him. Don't be mean in how you act around former lover, but show him that you're having a good time with your friends and he may remember why he fell in love with you in the first place.
These 10 ways to get your ex boyfriend back are not set in stone and you should be flexible. Use your commonsense and allow the truthfulness of your love too shine through and hopefully your ex will be back in your arms before you know it.
For more tips, advice and real strategies-Click Here!
1 - Take the time to figure out why the breakup occurred. Is there something that you can change? Sometimes people get comfortable in their relationships and let themselves go, and all it takes to repair this problem is to discover what it is and make a change.
2 - Never personally tell him that you want him back. The odds are, he is missing you too. Play a little bit hard to get and let him remember why he misses you and wants you back. Whatever you do don't overplay this card, as it could have disastrous consequences for you.
3 - Take a look at how you present yourself. Do you make an effort to dress up for your ex boyfriend, or are you too comfortable around him for that now? If you used to dress more nicely and perhaps more provocative, consider going back to that. If you dress to impress, he may find himself wanting you back.
4 - Get a little closer to his male friends to stir up a bit of jealousy. Some times all that it takes is to remind him how much he wants you back by making him a little jealous. However, a word of caution when using this tactic; it could possibly backfire on you.
5 - Think about how you talk to him, in comparison to how you used to talk to him. Talk to him the same way that you want to be spoken to if you want to reignite a romantic feeling between the two of you. Bring back the "sweet terms of endearment" you guys used when you first fell in love with each other.
6 - Ask him out after you have formed a game plan, and show him that you can still have fun together with one another. Don't worry about complicating things by working out the issues now, just show him that you guys can still have fun and watch things reignite accordingly.
7 - Force yourself to be laid back and even confident when you are around him. Do not stress yourself out worrying about talking things through with him. Most guys prefer girls that know what is best for them.
8 - Don't focus on him too hard. Don't outright ignore your ex boyfriend, but take some of your focus away from him and let him wonder about it. Tell him you're busy or just have a lot going on, rather than making it about him. Let him sit and stew, and he may end up being the one rekindling things! Once again don't overdo it.
9 - Act like you know he cares about you, but that you're not all together affected by it. The moment he realizes you're getting over him, he may be much more willing to do the chasing. Let him remember how important you are and see what happens.
10 - Show him that you can have plenty of fun without him. Don't be mean in how you act around former lover, but show him that you're having a good time with your friends and he may remember why he fell in love with you in the first place.
These 10 ways to get your ex boyfriend back are not set in stone and you should be flexible. Use your commonsense and allow the truthfulness of your love too shine through and hopefully your ex will be back in your arms before you know it.
For more tips, advice and real strategies-Click Here!
Friday, October 22, 2010
I Dumped Boyfriend And Now I Want Him Back
So you were dating a guy you really liked and then one day you noticed a tiny little issue about him that you didn't really like and you dumped boyfriend! Just like that! Out of the blue! But have you really dug down deep to try and understand why you dumped boyfriend?
Perhaps you've told yourself that it was the way he ate his food? Or the way he laughed or perhaps even something as earth shattering as the way that he walked? Whatever it was that made you turn around and end up with a dumped boyfriend, boy are you regretting it now because now, you want him back. But here's the thing he wants nothing to do with you and everything that you've tried so far to get him back, as failed.
Well, have you tried just leaving him alone for a while? Because pretty much you've hurt his feelings big time and he's doubtless feeling humiliated. If you've been calling him 24/7 and he's just not picking up, then that's a clear indication that he needs you to leave him alone.
So instead of bombarding him with text messages and calls, give him some space and take a look at the real hidden reasons that might have caused you to wake up one morning with a dumped boyfriend.
Truth is some girls have been known to 'test' the relationship by ending it to see if their boyfriends will put up a fight for them and the relationship. If this is what you did, then this is basically flawed behavior. Not only that, ask yourself why you would even want to put someone who you clearly have feelings for through the upset of a breakup?
Usually anyone who tries to manipulate someone to this extreme, has deep rooted self-esteem issues that they should really think about working out. Your self-esteem is really the inner you. If you are suffering from low self-esteem then the little voice in your head often shouts negativity at you and tells you that you are just not good enough. Take the time to address this and you will be far happier.
To win back a dumped boyfriend you're going to have to clearly work on yourself. No self-respecting boyfriend wants to be around someone who is high maintenance and doesn't know her own mind. In future, make sure you're one hundred per cent sure about what you are doing and why you are doing it.
Instead of dumping the guy, why not sit and talk to him about your fears and your insecurities. He will think more of you if you are honest with him, rather than if you simply lash out on a whim and dump him for what appears to be no good reason.
What do you need now to get him back- Click Here!
Perhaps you've told yourself that it was the way he ate his food? Or the way he laughed or perhaps even something as earth shattering as the way that he walked? Whatever it was that made you turn around and end up with a dumped boyfriend, boy are you regretting it now because now, you want him back. But here's the thing he wants nothing to do with you and everything that you've tried so far to get him back, as failed.
Well, have you tried just leaving him alone for a while? Because pretty much you've hurt his feelings big time and he's doubtless feeling humiliated. If you've been calling him 24/7 and he's just not picking up, then that's a clear indication that he needs you to leave him alone.
So instead of bombarding him with text messages and calls, give him some space and take a look at the real hidden reasons that might have caused you to wake up one morning with a dumped boyfriend.
Truth is some girls have been known to 'test' the relationship by ending it to see if their boyfriends will put up a fight for them and the relationship. If this is what you did, then this is basically flawed behavior. Not only that, ask yourself why you would even want to put someone who you clearly have feelings for through the upset of a breakup?
Usually anyone who tries to manipulate someone to this extreme, has deep rooted self-esteem issues that they should really think about working out. Your self-esteem is really the inner you. If you are suffering from low self-esteem then the little voice in your head often shouts negativity at you and tells you that you are just not good enough. Take the time to address this and you will be far happier.
To win back a dumped boyfriend you're going to have to clearly work on yourself. No self-respecting boyfriend wants to be around someone who is high maintenance and doesn't know her own mind. In future, make sure you're one hundred per cent sure about what you are doing and why you are doing it.
Instead of dumping the guy, why not sit and talk to him about your fears and your insecurities. He will think more of you if you are honest with him, rather than if you simply lash out on a whim and dump him for what appears to be no good reason.
What do you need now to get him back- Click Here!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Platinum Ex Back System
Upon purchasing The Ex Back System Platinum, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised and amazed. With this system, you get a lot more than any other product that claims to help you win your ex back. You'll get an interactive system that will guide you every step of the way, helping you become a stronger and better person. But let's review exactly what you'll find in the Ex Back System...
The Main Book: The Ex Back System by Brian Bold is laid out in this ebook. In it, you find an overview of exactly what to do for each of the five stages of getting your ex back.
While the book in itself is a complete system, you may find you need additional help. This is where the platinum upgrade comes in handy. In the upgrade, you find information specific for different situations. For example, if you and your ex are living far away from each other, the upgrade contains a chapter on what specifically to do in that situation – ie, how to avoid jealousy, and why you shouldn't make a grand gesture and pay your ex a surprise visit (here's a hint: it may be a little awkward...).
The platinum package also gives you some additional tips and tricks to help you carry out the system. Again, the information in the main book is enough to win back your ex in most cases. However, if you like to have more information on how to carry out each step, then you may want to get the upgrade. For example, how do you know if your ex still has feelings for you? You may be able to tell just through body language, and this video tells you exactly what to look for.
Audio and Video of the Main Book: If you don't have time to read a book, you have another option! The book is also given to you in mp3 format, so you can listen to it while you are on your way to work or school. Also, you can just watch the video of it. The video has attractive slides and a voiceover.
This is a nice feature that you just don't see a lot of other books including.
Miniworkbooks and Mindmaps: These really help to make the book more interactive. If you take the time to work through the worksheets, you'll definitely start to see progress on healing your relationship. However, some people may not want to do this, so their results may not be as good. Also, the mindmaps help to visually lay out the steps in the book.
Transformation Journal: This is one of the most effective parts of the Ex Back Process. If you take the time to write in the journal every day, you'll definitely see improvement in your mood and even your life. It's designed to help you get out of a negative mindset, as well as understand yourself and your ex better.
Overall, the whole system is incredible, and offers you a great value for your money. If you can afford it, I would go for the platinum package, as it really complements the material in the main course. The main course is complete without it; however, it does really help clarify difficult situations.
To Buy Now-Click Here!
While the book in itself is a complete system, you may find you need additional help. This is where the platinum upgrade comes in handy. In the upgrade, you find information specific for different situations. For example, if you and your ex are living far away from each other, the upgrade contains a chapter on what specifically to do in that situation – ie, how to avoid jealousy, and why you shouldn't make a grand gesture and pay your ex a surprise visit (here's a hint: it may be a little awkward...).
The platinum package also gives you some additional tips and tricks to help you carry out the system. Again, the information in the main book is enough to win back your ex in most cases. However, if you like to have more information on how to carry out each step, then you may want to get the upgrade. For example, how do you know if your ex still has feelings for you? You may be able to tell just through body language, and this video tells you exactly what to look for.
Audio and Video of the Main Book: If you don't have time to read a book, you have another option! The book is also given to you in mp3 format, so you can listen to it while you are on your way to work or school. Also, you can just watch the video of it. The video has attractive slides and a voiceover.
This is a nice feature that you just don't see a lot of other books including.
Miniworkbooks and Mindmaps: These really help to make the book more interactive. If you take the time to work through the worksheets, you'll definitely start to see progress on healing your relationship. However, some people may not want to do this, so their results may not be as good. Also, the mindmaps help to visually lay out the steps in the book.
Transformation Journal: This is one of the most effective parts of the Ex Back Process. If you take the time to write in the journal every day, you'll definitely see improvement in your mood and even your life. It's designed to help you get out of a negative mindset, as well as understand yourself and your ex better.
Overall, the whole system is incredible, and offers you a great value for your money. If you can afford it, I would go for the platinum package, as it really complements the material in the main course. The main course is complete without it; however, it does really help clarify difficult situations.
To Buy Now-Click Here!
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