While the book in itself is a complete system, you may find you need additional help. This is where the platinum upgrade comes in handy. In the upgrade, you find information specific for different situations. For example, if you and your ex are living far away from each other, the upgrade contains a chapter on what specifically to do in that situation – ie, how to avoid jealousy, and why you shouldn't make a grand gesture and pay your ex a surprise visit (here's a hint: it may be a little awkward...).
The platinum package also gives you some additional tips and tricks to help you carry out the system. Again, the information in the main book is enough to win back your ex in most cases. However, if you like to have more information on how to carry out each step, then you may want to get the upgrade. For example, how do you know if your ex still has feelings for you? You may be able to tell just through body language, and this video tells you exactly what to look for.
Audio and Video of the Main Book: If you don't have time to read a book, you have another option! The book is also given to you in mp3 format, so you can listen to it while you are on your way to work or school. Also, you can just watch the video of it. The video has attractive slides and a voiceover.
This is a nice feature that you just don't see a lot of other books including.
Miniworkbooks and Mindmaps: These really help to make the book more interactive. If you take the time to work through the worksheets, you'll definitely start to see progress on healing your relationship. However, some people may not want to do this, so their results may not be as good. Also, the mindmaps help to visually lay out the steps in the book.
Transformation Journal: This is one of the most effective parts of the Ex Back Process. If you take the time to write in the journal every day, you'll definitely see improvement in your mood and even your life. It's designed to help you get out of a negative mindset, as well as understand yourself and your ex better.
Overall, the whole system is incredible, and offers you a great value for your money. If you can afford it, I would go for the platinum package, as it really complements the material in the main course. The main course is complete without it; however, it does really help clarify difficult situations.
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