If you are currently dealing with the pain and the grief associated with heart break, here are five ways to get over heart break:
- Do something wonderful for yourself. You can break out of the terrible self-imposed emotional prison that you are suffering through right now simply by shifting your focus in the opposite direction from your problems. Do something surprising and enjoyable for yourself if you want to steer yourself into a better state of mind. Take a little vacation, or enroll in a class or a creative endeavor. Take yourself out to dinner and enjoy an evening out on the town by yourself, taking in the sights. Give yourself a feeling of joy and centeredness and you will get over your heart break.
- Envision your life as being capable of improving beyond what you had planned. Everything that happens in our lives has pros and cons, including the relationship you just left. Think about how this change could actually benefit you, and focus on the good that can come from the breakup rather than the bad.
- Flirt with somebody completely new. You may not want to think about flirting with someone romantically, but if you give it a chance, and work up the courage to go out and do some innocent flirting, you may be surprised at the results. Do some innocent flirting out in public, in the grocery store, the post office or the gym. Say hello to someone that you find attractive, and let your gaze linger for a few seconds longer than you normally would. A little bit of flirting, even if it never ever leads anywhere, can be an excellent way to get into the groove again.
** The above advice “Flirt” is an intricate part of the 5 ways to get over heart break, but common sense should prevail and do not allow yourself to get into an unsafe situation.
- "Pretty" Yourself Up a Bit. Nothing will get you out of a stupor like a makeover, a new exercise regimen, a brand new diet, or tuning up your wardrobe a bit. It takes a little bit of effort, but it is well worth the results when you start feeling better about yourself in the way that you are meant to.
- Consider Making Up with Your Ex. This is the last option available to you. Do you want to try to rekindle things with your old flame? Handle things efficiently and you may be able to make up with your lover of the past. Seek advice from the experts, though, to make sure that you do not get the door slammed in your face.
To get a proven plan for making up with you ex-Click Here!
Very obviously, the 5 ways to get over heart break, mentioned above are not the “panacea” of all heart break, but they will go a long way in helping your broken heal.
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